Another $1,000 donation? PRINCESS, how does She do it!?

Crikey! I’m good! BTW, I knew that little Crocodile Hunter was gonna get it sometime soon. he was always jumping around like a lunatic scaring the wildlife senseless. Then his little wife always peeking around the bushes looking all scared out of her wits when he tries to get her to touch some man-eating critter or feed their baby to the crocs.

Update: Just got $275 from a brand spanking new dork calling himself pindick waste of space. Guy is american but is from yugoslavia. This guy is friggin STUPID!! This little bastard actually had the nerve to put the webcam screen down on his webcam so I couldnt see him and tell ME the webcam was “bad” and was fuzzing up! Like I couldnt see his fucking mangy mitt reach over and slap the screen down! Fucking DIRTY LYING BASTARD!!! Eat shit and DIE, fucktard! I got your $275 and you got JACKSHIT from ME because you are a fucking DISHONEST PIECE OF EXCREMENT.

Heya pissants. Cloudy ugly day but I managed to get a ride in. Went out and partied the other night and had a lot of fun and passed out quite early. That slutty atm guy sent Me yet ANOTHER $1,000 today! And you know what.I assumed he was a brit..I was mistaken..he’s not british..he’s from Greece. I guess I just assumed he was from the UK cuz he had wonky teeth and was strange and ugly. hahaha. We were trying to pick out the perfect name, but for some reason, I’m just not feeling it yet. So anyway, he coughed up 1,000 without much difficulty. he’s another one who never wants to talk on the phone. he’s paid a lot of ladies in the past and never talked to ANY of them on the phone. So friggin strange. Then that silly ass new guy calling himself pantystain sent Me $200 in amazon GC’s. Ummmm..I was expecting a LOT more. Especially from a putz like you too scared to make NORMAL donations. Why don’t you go back and do..oh ..I dunno..$500 more! I used your GC to get some camping gear–tent and a sleeping bag.
Fulfilled Amazon Wishlist

I think I got My laptops all freaking up and running perfectly now. So I got 3 laptops and 2 desktops all networked together. All the laptops now have at least 1 gig of ram now and are running a lot quicker. I spent the weekend transferring files and re-downloading all My software. I also neatly put all you guys videos and pictures in labeled little folders instead of them being in huge folders with all your shit in there. Now it’s much easier to find your devastatingly humiliating pics and vids. hahha I went through EVERY hard drive and found them all. Even dug all the shit off the old HP. heehee

Updated My fulfilled Wardrobe 2006 list with a few more purchased items. Also updated the Fulfilled Wishes 2006 list.
Oh yes and slutty suzy the squishybrained bitch sent VTG another $200. We always have our eye on you, suzzzzzzzy! fatmac spent yet another $300. Guess what fatty! Yes FATASS, it looks like WE put your wallet on a DIET!

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