simon sent another $1,000 and new slave wolfie sent $500. wolfie is pretty ridiculous. I laughed MY ass off about some of the things he “fancies.” he asked if I would ever consider doing a video of Me boiling live lobsters while wearing a short skirt and high heels. Oh that’s just the beginning of it. he wants Me to name the lobster after him “shawn” and spit in the lobster’s face before tossing him into the boiling water. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OMG how did you know that spitting in live lobsters’ faces get ME sooooo hot???? HAHAHAHAHA! Spitting in a lobster’s face. Now that’s hardcore! heehee! Where the FUCK do you guys come up with this shit?!?!?!?
wolfie, I totally want to see you on cam. Get your computer running better and install a camera. wolfie is also addicted to pain meds and wanted Me to help him “quit.” Yeh right. I’m doubling his dose!
i love Princess Sierra’s therapy. It goes in opposite direction of conventional therapy. Instead of straighten it out, Her slogan seems to be: twist it even a bit more (double the doses). Meanwhile She follows a rule completely different for Herself. Her health concept for Herself is rather orthodox. Healthy life based on a lot of friends, sport, fun, vacations,vegetables, etc. i love Her therapy because it satisfies the strange dream of the sub, of finding a beautiful and cunning Woman who will ruin him, but also because it is the way of taking the sub away from the world and remaking him as an extension of his Owner. It is possible to apply this therapy to a sub on account of the strange fact that in him, the operation of remaking – that in itself is not meant to give pleasure to its object, but to isolate and to take control of him – gives him pleasure. That’s why he is a freak.
-he gets pleasure watching how She is cutting completely his freedom, that’s why the Princess can tells him openly the different steps of the therapy; because that knowledge won’t make him runaway; on the contrary.
– i assume that he also gets pleasure afterwards, from experiencing the control mechanism itself, once it has been finished.
What seems to me more obvious is the first pleasure, which he gets from watching what they are making to control him, rather than the second kind, product of the functioning of the control mechanism itself. The domination, once the mechanism has been created, could become rather “mechanicâ€. This could explain certain rate of desertion of subs; when the mechanism was created and from now on you are trapped it could get a little boring be dominated. But probably i am wrong, and things are different from this version, and the Princess is continuously building and reinforcing the control mechanism, and the subs continuously are watching and enjoying Her endless therapy; and feeling grateful to Her because they can see continuously how they are being shut in, shut in. I am an ignorant in this topic:, I have only my intuition and my own masochism as guidance.
OOh yes Princess I can see that, but the skirt should be a red latex mini skirt and red pumps and a red latex top. 🙂
And maybe some red latex gloves that go up to the elbow. 🙂
i made this video from a site where tittyboy sold videos. The combination of the banner of You with that short dress and those lovely lovely sandals, the knowledge that i have of You through Your site, the legend: “Meet the woman who forced tittyboy into submission and faggotry!”, and tittiboy with boobs, is for me so hot that it is almost a painful feeling.
Long live Bitchybeauty!
“I took Gotham’s white knight and I brought him down our level. It wasn’t hard. See, madness as you know is like gravity. All it takes is a little…push.â€
The Joker hanging head down speaking to Batman
The best description of the so called Sierra’s effect that i found is this:
“the next day after i’d talked to her on the Phone, i met Princess online, again she chipped away at me, as we chatted she told me she wanted me to drink Piss, i didn’t want to, but guys you must realize when dealing with Princess what you want isn’t of any importance, not little importance NO IMPORTANCE, the only thing that matters is what Princess wants, as you may have guessed i ended up getting my first taste of Pee, whilst Princess watched and laughed at me i drank that disgusting tasting liquid. I begged Princess for a glass of water to take away the taste, but no chance. Then Princess demanded i show her my arse on cam, when you’ve just drunk your own piss this doesn’t take much doing!!, Princess with her perfect vision noticed a small bit of loo roll hanging from some of my arse hairs, guess where that paper ended, yep in my mouth and then stomach.
Princess was then getting busy so i was allowed to leave, i went to watch TV, but then i suddenly, realised I WAS ADDICTED TO PRINCESSâ€.
i could imagine You as a Batman villain.