sissy tommikins sent another $700 to start the new year right! 🙂 tommikins has come to the full realization that he is completely OWNED by ME and totally at MY mercy! After his essential bills are paid, do you know where EVERY single penny goes!? TO ME!!!! And to feed the slot machines for gay porn movies at the dirty bookstore! he has to keep feeding the machines to keep the anonymous cock circulating in his booth. On his hands and knees with a big dick down his throat, he serves ME!! I should enter this bitchboy in the Guinness World records for MOST anonymous cock sucked by one person! sissy tommikins is now the original blow-job queen!
screwy stewy was doing his loser-duties by buying items off MY amazon wishlist. Can’t wait for UPS to bring Me My boxes tomorrow! fagarina will be sending $400 worth of delightfully green crispies by mail today. $400 from slave d. he’s new and shy. he hasn’t inspired ME to find him a more entertaining nickname yet. fatmac got suckered out of some more restaurant gift certificates and heckled by Me and MY crew — but there’s nothing new about that! he generally gets bullied out of his cash at least once a week by at least one of Us!
I continue to add new items to MY amazon wishlist, My puny little mongrels! Wag your wimpy tails all the way to My wishlist and start shopping! I will be adopting more shopping puppies this year! So rub your little wet noses against the glass and try to impress Me by showing Me what a good shopping pets you can be! Beg, pay and ROLL-OVER, muttboys and crotch sniffers!