Last night I was up to the wee hours talking to nincumpoops on the phone. Sierra’s minion came out of hiding and donated $500! Yeah! What a fucking babbling freak he becomes everytime he sees new pics. The divorcee caved in and forked over another $200. Found out he ran off and ordered himself a chastity device without actually being instructed to. HAHA! Fucking funny. Good idea.I love keeping married men chastised! terrance was a good boy and coughed up another $300 and twinkie gifted Me $400. Go write in your journal, havent been keeping it up like you used to.
I’m trying to talk fagarina into paying for a new stove for Me. You know those kinds that are totally flat and installed right into the counter–oven part completely seperate and installed below? Actually he’s too poor to pay for it all at once–that’s why there’s Sears cards. I’m not letting him wank off and he’s all in little spanker fairyperv mode wanting to beat his tiny meat. Maybe when he agrees to the stove. They are a lot more expensive than regular stoves. Sucks to be fagarina. he’s working on getting the commodities for his next video. “Sexual Encounters of the Third Kind– fagarina bones home.” he’s getting a blowup alien-doll and dressing up as a little girl martian. HAHAHA GAWD, I love doing this shit! Ya don’t know how friggin grand it is–to get out of bed and just have a good ol’ time every damned day!
Jesus, there is like tons of snow out today. It’s that time of the year to force guys make Nekkid SnowAngels in MY backyard. I’ll be available to do phone calls all day and tomorrow cuz it’s WAY too fucking cold to go outside.
Clue of the day.
If you’re going to send Me sick death-threats: DONT do it from your daddy’s computer. HAHAHAA
Oh remember the pakistan pooch?? The guy with the reeally crappy dirty hovel who took pics with the sack on his head? Well. he called today and his creditcard was maxed!! he claims to have had a “terrible accident”. Fuck you, you greasy litte foreigner! The day you were CONCEIVED was a TERRIBLE ACCIDENT!