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Add your avatars!

Soo get a load of that crazy snow. It’s nuts for this time of year.  So we were trapped indoors all weekend.  Watched lots of movies and all of all of Office Season 1.  We made some sort of Sage/Garlic chicken friday night, then spaghetti with whole-wheat pasta the next night.  Finished some projects, relaxed,  had some alone time,  and drank a lot of wine.    All in all it was a nice weekend, but I’m kinda stressing about all the furniture I am suppose to be receiving this week and wondering how they are going to get it delivered because the snow drifts are like 4 feet high.  Hopefully it doesn’t freeze tomorrow because MY walkway is going to be slick.  With all the boxes I get, I’ll be losing dozens of fedex, dsl, ups, usps delivery guys left and right on MY driveway.

This wordpress thing is still driving Me nuts. Soon as I get one thing fixed, I find something else that isn’t what I hoped for.  If I don’t get this author thing worked out.I might have to keep you “friends” on livejournal.  grumble grumble grumble.  It will take a few more days for Me to know. Hold off on cutting and pasting all your journals into the new system until I give you all the go-ahead.  Oh you don’t have to use gravatar anymore.  All registered users can now upload their own user pics.  They are normal sized now too. 🙂  So if you are commenting, be sure to go to your admin and upload a picture of something.  Makes the comments more interesting to read.

So this annoying shit named heath sent $700 cash.  fagarina lost another $200.  terrance did $400 and reborn Sierraist did $300 and $100 from some passing lowlife.  My new black photography backdrop, another pair shoes for MY gf, a dress for Me and another battery recharger all arrived. 

tampon boys: It’s that time of the month again.  Get out yer plugs!

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