I’m having a fun night!

I'm having a fun night!

Extreme wireless router and some little candles from Princess fan.

Update yet again.  Holy shit, the freaks are out tonight!!! freaks  I’ve been trying to juggle like 15 guys at once on yahoo.  First, I have herlacaust/shitenstein putting suppositories up his ass and projectile vomiting on cam.  Then jewish piggy dropped in and dropped $300 and is begging to ruin the sabbath worshipping Me.  screenshot of jewish pig’s tribute grandpa freakpie has been on one all day and pretty much begging like a puppy for a little attention.  Got the arabian ringing MY land line like a obsessed freak, tittyboy texting MY cell like a goon and a zillion other little worms texting, calling, I.Ming and emailing in between.   Got a few candles from fatmac today too who’s all needy and pathetic as well.   Some new guy named loser pig sent ME $100 amazon GC which I used to get the grill and the PS3 controller charger base off MY amazon wishlist.  Seems that the twitter widget is what screwed some of the code shit up. Isn’t that insane?  Been trying to work on the slave journals during all this.   

Update:  When I woke up herlacaust a.k.a. shitenstein was up and waiting for ME for round II!  I got another $300 (his total for 1.25.08  $900!!)  he is now taking laxatives and drinking again.

shitenstein’s tribute screenshots here and here.

 Update: herlacaust was having so much fun he sent $300 more!

fun night

After sending his $300, herlacaust got to get drunk out of his mind, run to the store for superglue, superglue coins to his face, then shave a stripe down his head! 

UPDATE: I also just got $300 from Herlacaust who has been abscent for quite a long time.   Remember he was that skinny guy who looked like he belonged in a refugee camp?  I just got $500 from that arabian whore who said he would never call ME again after spending $1,000 on ME last month.  They never “quit” for long, do they?   screenshot of the arabian’s tribute


I’m trying to get him to walk to the drugstore like this. heeheee! update! OMG I sent him out for laxatives and more superglue and booze and he went like that–coins glued on his head and everything!

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3 thoughts on “I’m having a fun night!

  1. avatarherlacaust

    Thank You for letting me spend time with You Princess its been very special for me. it was such a wise investment of the $900 and i hope you find it in you blessed heart to give me more of your therapy.


  2. avatarmike

    Damn, herlacaust! You are living the life! You are so right that the $900 spent on Princess Sierra is such a wise investment. Princess Sierra is a god!


  3. avatarfatty

    Sure wish you wouldn’t describe me as needy and pathetic, Princess even though you’re totally correct. Now DDR has picked up on it and then you put that comment on your amazon list too. You make it oh, so difficult not to be pathetic and needy, Diva.


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