

Here’s a little teaser clip medley  from a few videos I made.

Oh I’m thinking about hiding another video up here for registered members ONLY.  Sooo.you’ll have to register to see. To register look at the bottom of the sidebar on the right.  See where it says “register”?  Click it and register.  Understand? Good dumdum, I knew you could do it.

Yeh, I’m still not done with the journal..  I know, it’s kinda screwy now.things are missing, colors are funky and the author accounts still aren’t set up.  Some shit got corrupted, big mess, still being worked on it.   Things will be straightened out soon.  Been busy as hell.  Guess who I talked to tonight? Sharon!  Her hubby is out of town and we are slapping up his belongings on ebay. Remember when we sold his golf clubs last year? heeehee  he still thinks someone broke in and stole them! What a goob!  She’s made a $300 tribute and is sending another $200 in the mail tomorrow.  lou sent $100, latex lover did another $100.  Had the phone off the hook today, but thursdayI will be available for phone calls all day. 

sissy tommikin’s $100 N.A.P. blanket arrived. I hadn’t realized he purchased. it.  I’ll go add it to MY gift slide-show.  It’s very cuddly, tommy. We wuv it.  How’z about you go cuddle up to a big schlong tonight and tell Me all about it on payday (friday).  hahaha 


MY trainer’s heart monitor watch and 2 leather wrist cuffs showed up too, as well as MY 2 piece adidas workout outfit from hairlip.

 I thought I’d add some of the conversation I had with roboslave, cuz our talks always crack Me up.

roboslave: so hard to remember old life
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: that life has been TERMINATED
roboslave: it cant just have ended.i would have know
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: you do know.you just dont want to accept it
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: when you look into MY eyes
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: and see ME smile
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: you know that life is gone
roboslave: stares into eyes
roboslave: they tell the truth
roboslave: feel a strong connection
roboslave: force fielded pulling me
roboslave: so hard to accept
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: hahah omg arabian called back
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: he is at a bar and I can hear arabians doing xena calls in the background
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: yiyiyiiyiyiyiyi
roboslave: lol
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: MY eyes tell the truth.  Dont you love to watch Me move?
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: watch MY eyes?
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: watch MY hair
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: See the way I giggle and tease you
roboslave: mmm
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: See how conceited I am
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: see the robot master that controls all your buttons and levers
roboslave: watches eyes, hair, gorgeous neck, oh the ROBOT MASTER
roboslave: controls all button and levers
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: robot master has laser eyes
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: that can smite little robots like you
roboslave: laser eyes
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: blue laser eyes
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: they see right through you
roboslave: see inside me
roboslave: so hard look away
roboslave: i love to watch GOD so much, watch her move
roboslave: eyes, hair
roboslave: teasing
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: heehee
roboslave: mrobot stops video, too much for him…shuts down all external features, just pure programming, focus on GOD, eyes, hair, beauty
roboslave: must goto bed now
roboslave: craves more videos or voice file programming
roboslave: so hard resist
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: no bed
roboslave: mrobot doesnt know whas happened to him, what hes become, scared
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: you know what happens.you have been changed
roboslave: no no
roboslave: i cant have been
roboslave: sobs
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: yes you are new
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: you know on all those sci fi shows
roboslave: how did you do this to me
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: when they take a person
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: take their brain out..add a computer
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: have bits of human flesh..mixed with mechanical parts
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: that’s you now
roboslave: nooooooo
roboslave: cries
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: laughs
roboslave: i want go back
roboslave: to a man
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: you cant
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: I ate the brain for diinner
roboslave: but
roboslave: please leave me be

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8 thoughts on “Looky

  1. avatartwinkie

    i am so lucky to serve YOU, PRINCESS. YOU are the epitome of perfection. There is something about those flashing blue eyes that brings me to my knees and almost makes me want to cry. i’ve spoken to YOU on many occasions, my Princess and it’s just magical watching YOU talk, knowing this is the woman I speak to, knowing this is the woman who owns me. Knowing YOU is beautiful and watching YOU is magic.


  2. avatarTittyBoy

    Your videos are always so mesmerizing, Princess . . . i can only imagine what kind of mess my life would be if You allowed me to serve You in person again. i don’t have a sissy-maid fetish like a lot of crossdressers do, but i’d certainly get one in a heartbeat if it brought me any closer to Your Divine Presence!


  3. avatarPrincess

    to tittyboy: Lose some weight jabba-boy! you know I can’t stand looking at you at this weight. When I used to let you come over, you weren’t so gut-wrenchingly gruesome. The reason I don’t want to see you anymore, is ALL your freaking fault–isn’t it? Try the Special K diet. Bowl of cereal two times a day, then eat chicken and broccoli at night. I tried it for 2 days. It sucked, just like you. you don’t have a sissymaid fetish…hahahahahhhahahaaha


  4. avatarTittyBoy

    Yes, Princess . . . it is absolutely all my fault and i have suffered terribly for it. i will start that diet tomorrow, because you know i don’t mind sucking whenever You say.


  5. avatargrandpafreakpie

    Just finished enjoying YOUR Teaser Clip Medley Video found under January 23, 2008 – Looky. It’s a smash success, Princess, even on my aged PC. So, here’s to more and more wonderful additions to YOUR exciting new Journal Page. i am speechless with awe every time i hear YOUR magnificent voice and see YOUR incomparable face.


  6. avatarroboslave

    The ROBOT GOD instructed mrobot to stare and fixate on stunning beauty and power on latest video clips. Clips active programming in mrobot, external world turned off, fully focus on GODs eyes, pure programming, those blue laser eyes downloading new instructions. Only function remains is to serve Princess better.


  7. avatarDringue

    Thank You very much Princess for Your new video. A new video of You – even a few seconds of voice and movement – is always a very important event for me. Like a new experience of life.
    Your neck and Your mouth are fantastic! Your teeth! And Your bossy attitude also.


  8. avatarDringue

    The photo of You that You pasted at the top of this entry has an expression of being watching Your property and having second thoughts or making calculations. i love it!


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