Hi boys, back from Our little camping trip. Nothing is better than collecting cash while I’m sitting back relaxing. you boys paying while I’m playing! Really how it should always be, don’t you agree?? Monday I collected $1000 from tributes while cat-fishing. mystery pig $300, robbie $300, terrance $300, $100 anonymous. I came home to boxes stacked sky high on My front porch! I also found a new butterfly bush, peony plant and a crawling rose planted in MY yard and a freshly mowed lawn from MY local slave. he also left Me some farm fresh eggs since I made him set up a chicken coop and start raising a few chickens to keep Us stocked with organic eggs. he gets all the poop…We get all the eggs.
It was rainy and chilly most of the time but Me and HRC still had a blast and caught a lot of fish.
speedydick I got your IM but I wasn’t home. Text Me because yahoo messenger hasn’t been forwarding to MY mobile phone like it used to. Send Me $500! I know you want to! Then back to looking at gay porn!! Welcome to the World of HOMOSEXUALITY!