Giving Christmas to Princess

Giving Christmas to Princess

Update: My suitcases are definitely coming, he sent the tracking #! he got the 21 and the 26.
Isn’t My luggage adorable?
Lucky fuckers! Here’s another pretty face shot.
****PHOTO REMOVED so page would load faster*****
I’m sorta digging MY fleeting tan .so here’s another one. OMG can we say “GOOD HAIR DAY!” ? Look at those perfect little curlies. Of course, it does that when I had nowhere to go today but spinning. It would be nice if those curls would POP like that Friday and Saturday night too!

Today we are going to discuss how each of you are going to give CHRISTMAS to Princess. Not only are you GIVING Me Christmas, you will be handing ME over your Christmas, your children’s Christmas, and your wife’s Christmas. You will be giving your FAMILY’s Christmas to PRINCESS. Let’s face it. Kids these days are friggin brats. Ipods, Wii’s, laptops,Guitar Hero, Cellphones, Xbox’s Gadgets and Gidgets are totally stunting your little herd’s brains. your kids don’t read. They don’t play an instrument and truthfully, are any of them especially gifted in ANYTHING? Oh yeah, little johnnie can text 200words a minute with one hand.. That doesn’t count as gifted and talented. you’ve made your children fat and stupid. Do your un-extraordinary litter a favor and buy each one of them the gift of learning. A book. For less than $15 you can help your child expand his/her mind, celebrate Christmas, and save your Christmas cash for the REAL meaning of Christmas. PRINCESS!!! Not only are books inexpensive, they are easy to wrap. Now with all the money you saved buying your offspring a book and a candycane for Christmas, you can invest that Christmas cash in PRINCESS. Fill those stockings with left-over halloween candycorn and crossword puzzle books and you’re good to go. Quite honestly all the junk you buy your brats is setting them back– making them less self sufficient, killing their creativity, turning their brain into jelly, making your kids X-box zombies. Give your MONEY TO PRINCESS. Do it for the CHILDREN!!!

I expect each one of you to email Me with the estimated date of arrival and dollar amount of this year’s Christmas bonus. you don’t even have to cash the sucker..just sign it over to SIERRA HORIZONS and fed-ex it to Me the same day.

Are you single? Instead of wasting finances traveling to visit family and exchanging gifts. Stay home. Sit in front of your computer on christmas night staring at your favorite photo of PRINCESS SIERRA. Perhaps if you want to be especially festive you can photo copy a bunch pictures of My divine face. Cut them into little circles, fashion little ornaments out of them and decorate a tinky little Christmas tree with them. Then you can sit at home in your favorite red panties, with a cup of piss-eggnog and think of MOI. It’s best to spend the holidays with the ones you love..and I should be the ONLY ONE you love. If by chance friends and relatives do give you gifs RETURN THEM ALL to the store they were purchased at or sell them on ebay and give Me all the proceeds.

Christmas is the time for it all to PRINCESS.

tally for the last few days $650 from sharon’s husband, $150 from western union man, $150 anonymous, $500 from the ukraine, $200 from the cheesedick the cheeseking. $75 anonymous. Also Princess fan bought 2 designer suitcases for Me.but I am not really counting them all the way until I get the tracking # on them. HURRY the fuck up and send that tracking # you piece of shit!

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7 thoughts on “Giving Christmas to Princess

  1. avataranonymous

    Medusa is ugly. You are stunning beautiful. But You have something in common with her. i don’t know why gazing Medusa in her eyes change lookers in stone. But i think that i know why looking at Yours, one begin a trail of personal degradation. Because You have the ability of reflecting us Your vision of us. Your perfection is the best mirror of my misery. That’s why little men, after months of You, morph to fullblown freaks of Nature. Your eyes are incomparable not only on account of their beauty. Also because after month of You, they offer to both of us the same vision.


  2. avataranonymous

    Thank You Princess for dictating stupid wankers like us how to celebrate Christmas and how to best help our children. We are too stupid for that. We should not think too much about these things, because we have only little brains. How much money would again be lost without You just telling us what to do and what not to do.
    Giving to Princess Sierra is the best for wifie, giving to Princess Sierra is the best for our children, giving to Princess Sierra is the best for ourself.


  3. avatargrandpafreakpie

    thank YOU, PRINCESS, for teaching me that all gifts are for YOU and no one else. how comforting it is to learn that only token educational gifts should go to others, who will be infinitely better off knowing that this allows every possible dollar to be fedexed to PRINCESS. it seems to me that PRINCESSMAS or PRINCESSSIERRAMAS or whatever name PRINCESS chooses for everyone to celebrate her 365 day DEVINE BIRTHDAY would be more appropriate, rather than c_______ (i no longer want to say it, write it or celebrte it, unless PRINCESS tells me to.)


  4. avatarbitchybeauty

    I do like the idea of calling it Princessmas, but if I remember right, I think another Mistress has said it before so I wouldn’t be inclined to use it. All MY jewish slaves could celebrate HERnukkah by giving Me a gift for each day and lighting a candle then snuffing it out with their assholes.


  5. avataranonymous

    Thank you, Princess, for lifting the stress of the holidays from our weak male minds. You are so very merciful to your minions to look after us in this way. Following your instructions will greatly simplify our holiday shopping, reduce our stress, and allow us the time to keep our testosterone-poisoned minds focused our top priority — You, Princess God.


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