Save money. STARVE!

Thought I’d log in for a few minutes. Have a busy day in store for ME, so I won’t be online much at all today. Got sissy christina on a “crash and burn” diet. Not only will diet help him by saving money on food, he will make more money prostituting himself if he’s thinner. Plus I’ve never made a slave become anorexic’s always fun to think of new ways to screw up a man! If anorexia is good enough for scores of sorority sisters and supermodels, it’s good enough for this pervert! I made him join all these crazy little forums for Pro-Anorexia and Pro Bulimia so he’s learning all the best purging excercises and chatting with likeminded crazies.
hahahahahaha Reading these boards are a trip! These bitches are all proud of their bulimia. And the really anorexic chicks all hate the anorexic “wannabees” that have healthy BMI’s and call those pukesters “wannaorexias”. HAHAHAHA FUCKING A!

PUKE on, christina!!

Yesterday was a pain! Layovers and I lost MY luggage for about 6 hours!! Why do they always lose MY luggage and never MY girlfriend’ s???
Tata for now, got to catch a cab.

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3 thoughts on “Save money. STARVE!

  1. avataranonymous

    Princess God,
    Your fantasy, new ideas and wicked plans have no end. we all can see very clearly that You are the only real and first financial domme – all others have to imitate You and they will always take only some few elements. You are to much all-round that they would be able to copy you diversity – but especially it is the wickedness that fails. Actually they are more wicked, because less gifted. Your wickedness is a blessed one. Your wickedness is holy, because You Yourself are the holy and perfect Princess.
    Most people are liars, You however are sincerity itself: “Save money. STARVE!” You are also the only Person worth starving for (that is, when the one starving has money and gives it all to You).
    Princess, enjoy Yourself in Chicago. i wish You nice and exciting days.


  2. avataranonymous

    Princess GOD,
    Center of the universe,
    Holy Woman,
    Principle of good and evil,

    The last few days i was thinking about how to get more money for You. One thing came in my mind again and again, i was just not sure about it, but the idea excited me. Then i decided that it would not be good and thus not to do it.
    Today i’m sure that i was very wrong in deciding myself. It is not up to us, brainless men, to decide what is good and evil. YOU are GOD. YOU are the one who knows and says what is good and what is not.
    Princess GOD, would it be allowed to steal for You. (you don’t have always to do a robbery to steal) i mean sometimes it might be easy to steal some money of friends, of our wives, on certain occasions,…
    When i consider that everything is actually Yours, it is just a question of bringing Your property back.


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