Nintendo Wii?

Leave Britney Alone!
OMG had to share this.

Oddly enough, I’ve been getting subs asking Me what I think about the entire Britney ordeal. I really don’t care much. She never did anything for Me. She looks to be on drugs now.

Ok. For those of you with Nintendo Wii..should I make a guy buy ME one? Is it really that great of a game system? Is it exhausting to play? I’m thinking about making someone buy one this week, but I’m not sure if I’d really use it. I mostly just wanna play Zelda! How does it compare to XBox and Playstation 3?

Yay got new faucets coming for the kitchen and bathrooms! I’ve been looking at countertops again. I keep saying I’m going to have new ones installed but then I get busy. I’m thinking about Silestone. Anyone have it?

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8 thoughts on “Nintendo Wii?

  1. avataranonymous

    What counter do you have now? And what don’t you like about it?

    I don’t have silestone, I put in granite a few months ago. Some people absolutely love silestone, but be careful about getting a good contractor (which somehow seems to be more of a problem than with granite installations…possibly because so much silestone is from Home Depot).

    I believe the maintenance issue of granite is way over done, although some granites are more porous than others. But mine only needs sealing once a year…no problem.

    Silestone is man-made…which is good in that it is very uniform, though it has sort of a plastic feel compared to stone, since it is stone emulsified in epoxy. Personally I prefer the natural variation of stone, but that part is entirely personal preference.


  2. avatarbitchybeauty

    hmm…I don’t want it it to feel plastic-y. The granite is gorgeous but I won’t want something I have to seal yearly. I’m ROUGH on shit. I am forgetful about maintenance. I’d prefer something I never have to think about again. I need something that won’t stain or get nicked up. Do you have to seal all variations of stone?


  3. avataranonymous

    Yeah…I hate the plasticy feel too.

    You can be rough on granite but yes, all natural stone does need sealing once a year. It’s just cleaning the counters and letting the sealer sit for 15 minutes and then wiping it off. But I agree kind of any maintenance is a pain.

    It ends up being such a personal preference….the look and for me, for some reason I like touching the granite, feeling the cool surface. I was looking at this expensive house over the weekend, they did this great addition with a beautiful new kitchen. I touched the black counter-top and well it looked great, but I hated how it felt when I touched it. It just felt artificial in a negative way.

    But not everyone feels that way. Check out a few showrooms. But every natural stone does require some minimal maintenance to avoid stains, some stones need much more than others, depending on how porous they are.


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