Buhbye fishies!

Hi dumdums!  Lovely day to milk a moneycow! Let’s see. I have a bunch of shit I need to get done today..I think I’ll just write MY to-do list here.

*Call furniture place and change delivery to friday.   DONE!
*Pick up laundry soap on the way to the gym.  Didn’t do.
*Get to gym. DONE!
*Pick up MY pants I left at MY girlfriend’s house.  Didn’t do. 🙁
*Run and batch charges.   DONE!
*Make grandpa freakpie send the remainder of the $3,800 in donation cash. Just ran $1,000.00 of it.
Click to see grandpa’s donation for today.  I’m running another $1,000 on his card in a few days. 🙂

*Call grandpa freakpie and see how MY order is going. DONE! ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM WAS ORDERED
*Make someone mow My lawn.  Didn’t do.
*Scrub the internet for a cute daybed and pub table for the kitchen.  Been doing but still haven’t found what I want.

I’m so pissed that I didnt think of auctioning off MY old mattress. What the fuck was I thinking having it hauled away. I could have made soooooo much on that thing! grumble grumble.

Oh I’m sick of MY fish now. I’m giving them all away to a friend. They are evil and keep eating each other anyway. I didn’t even get any aggressive fish, but a few of them are total flesh eaters.  Oooh We’re getting so excited about Our Olivia vacation!

I got some fruitloop sitting on tacks on webcam. He’s like sitting HARD on like 50 of them. his buttcheeks are totally bleeding. Gotta run!

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12 thoughts on “Buhbye fishies!

  1. avataranonymous

    You have become in an overwhelming young woman Princess. i can’t image how can You look in Person: complete, close, real, alive.
    The way You look in the little photo is also irresistible. With a beauty that cause me pain.
    It shows me something that i can’t posses, that is different from me, and that won’t love me.
    i look at You repeteadly in those wonderful pair of photos (i am working on something and each five or ten minutes minutes, i click
    on the tab) and, if i look it in a certain way, i can feel myself unsafe. Like someone who has been hypnotized and is waiting
    for the voice of his master. i feel like the RCA dog. It’s amazing that an instantaneous blow of light on your person has that
    power. That’s what i mean when i say that i can’t image how can You look in flesh. i’ll look away now Princess because i am
    imperfect, selfish and bad person. And i don’t want to succumb. For the moment i want to preserve my pitiful life. That’s the
    problems that the Gods face in my anonymous world.


  2. avatarbitchybeauty

    Yeh, I’ll get right on that right away. I’ll be sure to provide as much free wanker material for non-contributing slobs like yourself asap!

    Go fuck yerself!


  3. avataranonymous

    i am not an example to anybody at all, but i receive the gifts that You upload freely, from time to time, holding my breath. Because i feel that if i make the slightest movement, you can change Your mind at the last moment and regret of Your generosity. i am also a wanker and i deserve fuck myself.


  4. avataranonymous

    You have a juicy mouth. And the line that forms Your forehead, nose and chin seems to me perfect. i could compliment you endless. i always have something knew to say about Your beauty in spite of your portrait doesn’t change. i want to do that every time that i click on the Opera’s tab. To give thank you for that photo and to be loyal with my feelings. For example now. i stopped watching a movie on the computer and i began to write a new compliment. i always thought that You have some Spanish blood in Your veins. Like lovely Rita. Proud Princess.


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