Hetero Tax!

Oh MY trainer wants another pair of Nike Shox. Here’s the one She wants. Buy it and ship it to Me.

Ok so last night we went out to this gay bar hole-in-the-wall to do karaoke. The place was totally dead besides My group (about 5 girls), 1 old bull dyke, 2 bartenders, and 2 gay guys.one of whom was an elderly man who is a catholic priest for a gay catholic church. So this place just moved locations and they were using the parking lot of the store across the street for parking. They have one of those security monitors on the wall monitoring that parking lot and have some arrangement with that store and have full permission to use the lot for customer parking. ANYWAY, we’re singing and talking and someone notices that they are towing autos in that lot! The girls go dashing across the street! They already have 2 of MY friends’ cars hooked up to tow trucks, have already towed away the priest’s car and are now backing up to get Michelle’s! The guy JUST puts one chain on Her truck and She has the balls to friggin leap over the trailer, unhook the chain and jump in Her car.he rehooks it.She jumps out, unhooks it and speeds away. WOOT! WOOT! The tow truck guys are acting like She’s in big trouble.but really.what the tow truck guy gonna do? Chase Her around town in his big tow truck going 30 with his light flashing and his “beep beep” buzzer going off and then show Her his lethal towtruck driver butt crack? So I had a $100 bill that smalldickSD just sent in the mail and had to pay it to the towtruckers just to release the other 2 cars before towing them off. So they are arguing with the tow truck guys and the tow truck guys claim that the district manager of the store called and asked the cars to be towed..although that store totally has an arrangement with this bar to let customers park there at night. Next day, turns out that a neighbor called the tow truck company PRETENDING to be the district manager. The guy then called the store and told them that he had called because he didn’t approve of a gay bar in his neighborhood and saw “sexual activity” going on in that parking lot that night. HAHA fucking big fat bigot liar! There were 2 dudes in that bar and us girls! All the cars he had tried to have towed belonged to women and one 70 year old priest! Anyway, Michelle is so MY hero for clashing with the smelly towtruck dudes and unhooking Her car and flying to freedom! Yaaay!! She looked so cute running so girly with Her hands in the air, quickly yet daintily, leaping over the towtruck trailer and unhooking the car. hahahhahaha She’s making a stink with the tow truck company right now trying to get our cash back. We are all in the uproar and want to call channel 9 or 6 or whatever and have them do a report on it. Fucking this area has all kind of rough bars in the neighborhood, yet they don’t approve of the gay one. This happens to all smalltime gay bars. They are always getting harassed. For real, straight people.GET OVER IT!!
Well each one of you fuckers are individually compensating ME for the tow-truck release fee. Every one of you must pay the HETERO TAX!

So now we want to get our own tow truck company. Ya know, paint the truck Dream Barbie pink. All FEM tow-truck company. Have sexy girl drivers with pink do-rags, shorts and boots tow away dudes’ automobiles. I thought of the name.. “Camel Tow”. teehee Can’t you see that in big bubble letters along the side of the truck? Imagine seeing three hot chicks towing your Mercedes away? Sexy huh?? I bet you perverts would be illegally parking your cars and secretly calling Camel Tow yourselves, just to watch cigarette-smoking hot chicks haul your wive’s SUVs away and laugh while they are doing it! Yeh, don’t tell ME you wouldn’t do it, sick-os!! HAHAHAHA OOoooh and we could set up a big jar for tips too. So you can leave them tips while they haul away your car. Sweeeeeeet!

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4 thoughts on “Hetero Tax!

  1. avatarsierrasstevie

    Ohhh Emmm Geee…that story is fuckin RICH!! I’m just sorry I took a pass on karaoke that night. Cheers to Michelle…she showed that waste of sperm and egg who the fuck is the boss in this world….WOMEN!! Oh Snap. BTW…sign me up for Camel Tow – classic!!


  2. avataranonymous

    Princess oh god, I am so outraged by this! what you girls had to go true. Did not those dirty dogs know who you were? did they not recognized you. They should have dropped down on there knees before you at your feet and begged for your forgiveness the big dopes. Princess I only wish that I was there, why I would have broken there stinking rotten teeth for you Princess.


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