Myspace goes buhbye

Myspace goes buhbye

MY Myspace profile has been deleted by Myspace police. I’m not sure what for this time. Oh well. I’m not really sweating it because it’s NOT a platform for attracting good paying subs. Wanks wanks wanks. Anyway, I think I’ll make this profile private and keep better track of who gets to add Me as a friend. I was actually quite fed up with having thousands of friends who I didn’t know and the constant barrage of friend requests, bulletins, and spankermail. When I create My new profile, I’ll post the link.

Soooo old man tim just sent Me a $1,000 donation! 🙂 Then deadman dan made $700 of donations, bought Me a new vacumm, a floor lamp and a ceiling fan off MY amazon wishlist. hahah deadman dan. you are SOOO freaking EASY!!! hahahaha I’m still laughing about how easily I fleeced your ass!

K..tonight’s saturday. I’m staying home and doing calls. Lucky you. I know you all missed Me last night, but I wasnt home..again. Sucks for you, huh? Well busy yourself shopping My amazon wishlist. I’ve been adding lots of new items I want and the list will keep growing!

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2 thoughts on “Myspace goes buhbye

  1. avataranonymous

    Hello PRINCESS,maybe this is the reason they deleted YOU……..From a max poster a one Mistress Sade…….

    MySpace threatened to delete my account because my websites’ URLs were listed. They deleted my whole about me section because that’s where they were listed.

    Just something you may want to be aware of in case you don’t want them messing with your profile. Same goes for anyone else who has an adult site listed on their page. They didn’t change my blog with booking information so they may not go that far into the search for adult content.



  2. avataranonymous

    oh my God Princess MySpace should be paying you for the honor of having you on there site. And they should be kissing your royal fanny for all the traffic you bring thru that BS site. 🙂


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