Father Creepo

There’s the priest having dindin with some unsuspecting senior citizens. Some foreign readers have been digging up some very interesting tidbits on this freak.

Check this out.
Translator says: The olden times value priest F. van Damme f. s. o. has as of 15 September honorary discharge gotten as a curate of the parishes H. Pancratius and H. Martinus to Heerlen.

Honorable My ass! hahahahaahaaha

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5 thoughts on “Father Creepo

  1. avataranonymous

    God Princess this guy is CREEPING ME OUT! a real freako. I feel bad for those old people looking to him for wisdom and guidance. He really needs to be messed up bad, and decollared. And put down.


  2. avataranonymous

    As a Catholic i find this appalling. How could you do this to him Princess? Don’t you have any respect for religion? Would you do the same thing to him if he was Muslim imam? Or a rabbi?

    Don’t you have any decency Princess Sierra?


  3. avataranonymous

    This is a great photo! Taken together with the others of the priest. When i saw the previous photos of the priest, i never believed that he was a real priest. I thought he was fake. i thought he was a comediant. Princess, with Your exquisite combination of beauty, cruelty, narcissism and despise for all men (it is not only rethoric, these are personal qualities that you need to do what You can achieve, and You have them all), You could make the blind people see (rethoric), the crippled walk (rethoric), and the priest piss on the cross (real)dooming his soul forever (religious faith, a possibility).


  4. avataranonymous

    Princess Sierra is God! The others (Allá, Jehovah, Moloch, Jesus Christ, Baal) are false gods. Like the golden calf. Or perhaps i am wrong and they are gods. But little servant gods of the Princess. They make rain. They make grow the wheat, bright the Sun, and be born the Women, in love with Her.


  5. avataranonymous

    i know Princess that Your little niece can make it better. But She can’t feel what i feel in this momento, when i make it and send it. i love this photo of You. i put together the different parts of it with an editor, from a wonderful banner of You. i made that image with Christ on his knees, in front of You, to glorify You. You are supreme in that outfit. i watch it and instinctly i tighten my teeth. And my low, servile, male nature flows with its greasy consistency, like a definitive truth. My monkey nature. The ape within me takes possesion of my brain.
    i made it also for the pleasure of the sacrilege – i was educated in a catholic school. Although – i have to admit – the priest, in that point, goes further and is more brave and daring than me.


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