stupid e-mail of the day

My Updated Amazon Wishlist
HAHAHA My trainer already got 11 things off Her list. hahahahahahahahahahaha Fucking HYSTERICAL!

Update: Oooh I think I want this GPS thing for MY phone too.

vintage furfreak just spent over $300 on a pair of Dior sunglasses for ME. 🙂 he also picked up this leather case for My Treo. I wish Coach carried the little Treo carry case in black and not just khaki. 🙁

Princess fan. I hate your ass now! you now owe $1,000 if you ever want to chat with ME again! I expect the first $500 payment by midnight tonight..or I might have to use MY powers for evil..Remember..I know your name and address, fuckwad!

My fitness trainers amazon wishlist is up!
It’s on the right side. I don’t want to call her by her real name on here.and making up one feels it’s just Personal Trainer to you. Yes that’s REALLY Her. Ain’t She all that and a bag of EAS bars?! I gotta get some pics of us together and really fuck with your ant-sized brains! We both want new matching GPS systems for our autos first thing. I already have one.but it’s really friggin bulky. I want a tinier one. So somebody get on that, like right now. hahaha!

While you’re this button and pay for more of MY training sessions. Put in the # of payments you want to pay for. Do a lot! Think of it this way.your money will not just be making ONE Strong Beautiful Woman happy but TWO Strong Beautiful Women happy. I get the best trainer in town..and She get’s to spend your cash too. Wow! Double your pleasure! Double OUR FUN!

Stupid email of the day.
Hallo Princess SIERRA,
i am bowing show all respect to YOU,
YOU are Amazing,Wonderfull,PRINCESS LADY,and,Incredible Full Feminity WOMAN., i am 28 male creature, pharmacist,married,and my Wife is pregnant, and we knew that the baby is Girl,and W/we would like,to have YOUR Blessings, for the Name SIERRA,to be for O/our Daughter,as are hopeing (She) to be looks like YOU,Princess. As,YOU Are the Perfect Lady Princess,Living. we are hopefully to get YOUR BLESSINGS FOR That.
our best regards,and all best wishes

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14 thoughts on “stupid e-mail of the day

  1. avatarfaykrott

    Yes, that is a stupid letter. But Iam really not one to judge because I am a bigger moronic loser than he can ever be. I truely understand why he had to write that desperate, pathetic message.


  2. avataranonymous

    “Get Fit” is stunning!
    For items that do not ship to Her wishlist address, to what address should the shipment be made?


  3. avatarbitchybeauty

    She doesn’t have a pobox…so you can ship stuff to me.
    Sierra Horizons
    6478 Winchester Blvd #901
    Canal Winchester OH 43119

    She said She will even take pics of Her showing off the higher priced items. So, who got Her the Rocket Grill? fatty was that you?? hehe
    I’ll have to tell Her to add more stuff.


  4. avataranonymous

    Thank YOU Princess. i am just an anonymous admirer.
    i order the shirt for Her also. i’m sorry i cant swing the GPS too.


  5. avataranonymous

    actually it was the shirt the grill and the little grill accessory… But You still deserver much more as does She.


  6. avatarbitchybeauty

    cool! And what did you get ME??? So who are you?

    Note to fatmac: See, you snooze you lose! I’ll have Her add something especially for you blubbo. hahaha


  7. avatarlotsa_lip

    oh i wasn’t signed it.. duh
    i dont have much left. i got some books and the blue tooth ear thingy. now i am empty for a little bit.


  8. avatarbitchybeauty

    oh you. you so blow.

    I have a good idea! Why don’t you NOT pay 2 bills this month..and instead use that money to buy ME something MARVY!?


  9. avataranonymous

    i am one of the freaks thay sent Her a Steelers shirt. If She likes the Steelers She deserves my money. Actually She deserves my money anyway.


  10. avatarbitchybeauty

    Yes She deserves MORE of your money. She loves the Steelers..She has an entire office in Her house decorated with Steeler shit…even the walls are painted their colors. Her friggin little tinky dog is named Steeler. It’s quite disturbing really.

    Send Her more of your cash!


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