Stocking top slave is a drunk moron! And we LOVE IT!

Ok final tally for today! $5,500 from stockingtop slave, $3,500 for Veronica from stockingtop, $200 ali mcloser, $800 from deadman dan! Damned fine day if I should say so MYself.

Also updated My wishlist. stockingtop you should really continue buying some of that stuff from Versatile..otherwise I’m gonna be pissed at you!

Update: 11:22 p.m. Veronica is up to $3,500 and I’m up to $5,500! JEALOUS???

Update: 9:54 p.m. HOLY fucking SHIT My total is up to $5,000 now and Veronica is 2,500!! I guess it’s Veronica’s turn now!!

Update:9:45 Yep Veronica just got another $500! Her total is now $2,500!! I better get MY ass busy and get some more out of him before she beats ME to it! HAHHAAHAHAHAHA! OMG this is like taking candy from a big drunk baby!

Update 9:33p.m. HAHHAHAHAHAHA stocking top sent ME another $500. SO I got $3,500 and Veronica got $2,000 and I’m sure her greedy butt is emailing him pressuring him out of more $$ too! stockingtop is the worlds UGLIEST wishbone and we are going to keep yanking until he SNAPS!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Update 9:19p.m. Oh now Veronica got 2,000 and I got $3,000. Now I am getting jealous and want another $500 again!!!.since it’s MY legs you are staring at! hahahahahahahahaahhahha! HURRY up you DRUNKEN DORK!! p.s. GET your hands off your penis!! There will be NO squirting until we have EVERY PENNY OUT OF YOUR ACCOUNT!

Update Again: 8:57p.m. hahahah stockingtop got scared and sent Veronica another $ 3,000 for Me $1,500 for VTG!!

UPdate: SHIT! Another $1,000 from stocking top..that’s $3,000 for Me and 1,000 for Veronica..ooh when she gets back from her errand she is gonna be sooo mad at you for not sending her more! Oh the wrath of VTG will be upon you!!

Update: hahahah Make that another 1,000 for those old pics he has paid to look at TONS of times. hahaha I sooo need to take some new pics..this poor bastard has paid for those latex and stocking pics at least 10 seperate occasions. HAHAHAAHAHAHA So total now is $2,000 for Me $1,000 for Veronica.

UPDATE: Hahaha just got another $500 from stocking top after I sent him some old pics he paid like 50 times to see already.hahahahaha! $1500 for Me $1,00 for Veronica! HAHAHAHA I made $1,000 while I was at the gym! I came back online after MY workout to see that deadman dan left $500 and stocking top slave sent both Veronica and Me $500 each!

Within a few more minutes..Me and Veronica get ANOTHER $500 each out of stockingtop slave and I get another $300 out of deadman dan! HAHAHHA What a talented bunch we are! And what a STUPID bunch you are!!!!

stocking top, we are NOT done fucking that wallet! SEND another $500 each..maybe next time I’ll snap some stocking shots just for your lame ass! You are SOOO stupid! We love it! MORE MORE MORE!

ali mcloser I received that 200 and it’s NOT enough!! I want $500 more you fucking asswipe! I fucking hate your ass!

Ok a few things came today. A few sparkley band fitted tees that terrance bought Me. Oh I wore My Nike Shoxx to the gym today. I changed out those black laces because they looked hideous. They look way better now with white laces with grey trim.

Oh yeah and twinkie spent $80 on Blended Beauty hair products.

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6 thoughts on “Stocking top slave is a drunk moron! And we LOVE IT!

  1. avatarbitchybeauty

    Bitch I have the LONGEST more powerful knock out legs on the planet!! WORSHIP MY STOCKING TOPS $2,000 worth!! They are SOOO fucking WORTH EVERY PENNY!! Get to that pay page and pay before you get to drunk to push buttons!! HURRY UP! We don’t like repeating ourselves! hahahahahaha!


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