Miss Me bunches?

steven forrest sent $300 but he owes ME another fucking $500. I recommend you keep your word, bitch or I’ll be on your ass like bat out of hell!!!
bradthefag mcscrooge sent $100 and thinks now I should respond to his lame I.M.s. haha whatever bradley! I need some more hair product. Get your faggy ass to the salon and get Me some Joico K Pak Deep Reconstructor (not the leave-in). the treatment and some Joico K Pak Intense Hydrator. Hurry up and sashay, faggay. Last night this new guy named michael sent Me $200. haha I had this fucker take an ice cold shower and stand out side on his balcony and crawl around his yard nekkid in the frigid NJ outdoors in the middle of the night. he also fucked his ass with a cucumber out there and got all boozed up. you better be calling back again tonight, mikey, since you supposedly got another paycheck today. doomed brit, I believe you owe ME $100 for the 2 minutes I spent with you on the phone today. Yes, I do hate you. Oh yes and I just had latexlover spend $300 doing a little shopping for Me. Speaking of which, lots of fatty’s stuff arrived in the mail. I had a few problems with a couple of the things. Like that cute little tank top with the built in belt..the belt doesn’t stay hooked..it just comes un-done. 🙁 It was soo cute, but I have to return it, cuz it looks lame having a loose belt hanging around high on your waist. sigh..My online shopping is never done is it? It’s such a terrible chore to always having to scour the web for new things for you fuckers to buy Me.and the endless exchanges I have to make.

slutty suzy you cocknivorous (I should copyright!), dick swallowing whore! you owe some cash and fast!! We want that $$$$$ now!

Yay back to My training on monday! I missed it and the girls at the gym while I was on My little trip!

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