New meat on vacation!

Yippy! I’m sitting there relaxing on the beach with Pina Coladas when I notice a payment come through on MY cell for $500 from a brand new admirer. I tell My girlfriend and we laugh and watch a cruise ship go by while I type a few emails back to this new guy on My Sidekick phone. Ya know, I don’t exactly do My best brainwashing by cellphone, but it was enough to get another $1000 out of him. After sunset, I take off to the gym and she gets a stone massage. I get another $500 while I’m doing cardio. $2,000 from a new slave named dave. Welcome to the family of freaks! hahahaha

he writes the sweetest emails.
I do not know what is happening to me.. I just hit your website and gave you some more – another $500.00. This is so bizarre.
There is a part of me that is spectator to what is happening. The spectator watches in awe as your business model succeeds on so many levels. There is some sort of survival-of-the-fittest thing going on. The men who fall prey to your website are the very ones who should be forfeiting their money: weak-minded fools who you are successfully “outing”. The spectator applauds and even identifies with your increasing conquest of my mind.

You are doing society a favor. You’re taking out the garbage so to speak; and recycling the green before tossing the rest.

Oh my God. How can this be happening to me? I am a very disciplined person. I watch what I eat. I exercise regularly. I have always scrimped and saved every penny. I am horrified by my own actions.

Financial domination.. this is unbelievable! Why the fuck am I doing this? Clearly, I am not the only man that this has happened to. You have oriented your entire website to appeal to this strange weakness that I wasn’t even aware of before yesterday. It’s so easy for you! I see the button that says “$500 Give it to me!”, and for some reason, with you smiling face smirking at me in the photograph on that page, I am compelled to press the button and follow-thru! Holy mother of God! And I don’t seem to be able to stop!

While you’re sipping cocktails, I’m in my dingy office emptying my accounts into your early retirement plan as fast as I can. And you’re laughing at me while I do it!

Are you able to explain this phenomenon to me? When did you discover this marvelous way to make money?

he sent Me another email that I especially like.but I can’t find it right now..I’ll have to search around for it. This is the kinda stuff..that I LOVE’s like whispering miserable, confused little sweet-nuthins in MY ear. heeehee I wuv when My little nuthins are miserable and confused.

davie new slavie, I know you wanna send a bit more..

This has been a fucking AWESOME vacation. I am having sooo much fun! Keep the cash flying in, boys! That’s what you morons are here for, huh? The food is to die for! The weather has been perfect. The place is so incredibly elegant. This time we did a lot more outside activities, hydra bikes, para-sailing, sailing, snorkeling. The other night we went on the sunset dinner cruise on this gorgeous little boat. I love this resort! 2 weeks is so relaxing.

Well I just had to hop on and brag again. I’ve been getting other donations while I’ve been gone, but this one was especially fun.

Neener Neener. Fuck the rest of ya!

OMG I think I willed an annoying bride to fall down and break her leg last night. This annoying fuckin’ orange-colored bride was just getting on MY last nerve at the bar. She was running around with her lame little veil on and a bikini top, talking loudly and being a dork and embarrassment to all women. There’s these dewey tiles in front of the bar and I whisper to My friend, “I wish that bridezilla bitch would fall and break her neck.” 2 minutes later, bleach blonde Bride of freakenstein is laying on the ground screaming like a banshee. Turns out she broke her leg in two places on her wedding night. Now she has to be toted around in a wheel chair for the rest of her honeymoon.

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3 thoughts on “New meat on vacation!

  1. avataranonymous

    That is a vacation as You deserve it !!! Enjoying life and making money.
    i love so much the words You wrote. Not at least what You told about the blond bride. As soon as possible i will send You a donation for that!


  2. avataranonymous

    i also love dave’s email. he is so absoulutely correct. That $500 “pay me now” button is too damn hard to resist. The question now is, will he be long term, or binge and burn out like so many others. Either way, Princess has already mind fucked him for nearly 5k. If he is sincere and forks over half of each paycheck he will find an inner peace that is hard for most to understand. he will be giving to his Princess and that is ALL that he should be concerned with.


  3. avatarbitchybeauty

    Actually he did a hair over $7,000 in 2 days. 🙂 what have you done for ME lately O unnamed, unknown and most odious one??


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