Ache for My Beauty

Fuck that other SuperGirl costume. I want this! Someone buy it. Won’t get here in time for Halloween, but I still want it!

deryck  came out just long enough to pay $500 and disappear. latex lover sent $600 to use towards MY trip in october and will be paying more on friday, msub sent $200 and father flatulance did $400. brad the fag’s crispy $100 bill showed up today too as well as My tent and double sleeping bag.

My Sister had her way with ol fatty last night. She sent him a few exclusive photos and a picture of the inside of her closet showcasing all Her nice shoes 80% of them purchased by fatmac himself. I know he sent Her some stuff yesterday but I will have to call and check on the totals.

My SuperGirl costume had to be returned the Large was like Sasquatch was made for someone who is like SuperSized or some shit. Well, Im not sure if it was a Large or a Medium. The receipt says Large but the tag inside the costume says Medium. It was like 5 sizes too big. I put the SMALL up on My wishlist and emailed the guy who bought the Large and he got it right away. The sizing is screwed because I am not and never will be a Small. Just watch the small be too tiny. 🙁 I’ll be so pissed The Wonder Woman costume isnt half bad but the top seems pretty skimpy, so I’m skipping it. I have to go find some more tall wonder woman type boots. My last red boots are all fucked up and scratched. Actually one of you fucks go get the 2 pieced SuperGirl outfit too. So if the small is too small I’ll have that one as back up. It’s on MY amazon wishlist.

I’m not sure if I am wearing this for Halloween. I used to be WonderWoman like every fucking halloween. I just want some SuperBitch photos to post. Maybe I can set up a little fan with My cape all waving in the know.. Super Bitch Sierra fucking up men one loser at a time or some shit.

I don’t know if I am putting these purple shots in members. I gotta think about it. I might just fuck guys out of thousands with them and let MY cheapo members WISH they got a peek. It’s seems that these photos are just too fucking mindnumbing. Freaks won’t let ME alone. New guys, don’t even bother Me unless you have made a minimum of $300 donations and have the transaction#. I’m too loaded with genuine guys to play who’s-a-flake. All these stalkerish types always emerge when I post a really gorgeous pic. So unless you’re a regular of Mine..or have a transaction # for a $300+ donation, you’re I.M.’s will probably go unanswered because as you can imagine.everyone has been trying to chat Me up lately. So if you’re new and never contacted Me..I suggest you make the donation then email or I.M. Me with the transaction #. Don’t bother saying ANYTHING else before that, because I am too busy to care right now. If the transaction # is valid, then I will chatter with you.

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3 thoughts on “Ache for My Beauty

  1. avataranonymous

    i’m glad for every donation that is given to YOU – that gives me energy to work harder to gain more for YOU myself as well – i hope that i can start an extra job in some few weeks, that might cause some problems and tension, but the most important is : more money for YOU, beloved PRINCESS !


  2. avataranonymous


    did deryk come out voluntarily, or was it the result of You sending in Your minions to beat the bushes and drive him out as You leisurly waited as the Great White Huntress awaits Her prey to appear so that She might ensnare him in Her net to emasculate it by raping its wallet and then releasing it to scamper back into the bushes to accumulate more riches only to be confiscated by You on another day, Princess? 🙂


  3. avataranonymous

    More radiant than the sun – more beautiful than the most splendid flower – more .. more and more .. i think that is the only word, that can describe Your divine beauty: MORE .. THAN.

    Princess, i do love so much the picture of Your intro page – every single time that i see Your majestic appearance, Your extremely long and sexy, well shaped legs, the perfection of Your adorable feet, just everything of incarnate PERFECTION than i know my place: at Your feet serving, making money and paying. Every time, when i see that picture of Your amazing magnificence, my worthless dick is jumping up – and i know that You don’t care about what happens with our stupid dick, but the point is – that at least in my case, it is my cock who urges me to do the right thing: that is: worshipping YOU, working for YOU, longing for YOU, spending on YOU, obeying YOU, reading and listening Your word, to learn of YOU the truth about my low male nature…

    You are such an allround beauty – just like a diamand (actually more) who has many facets – and from all sites it is perfect and it glistens: YOU are most beautiful, YOU are wise, YOU are the most attractive Woman, YOU are the most addicting Woman, YOU are the centre of the universe, YOU are perfection, YOU are GOD.

    Princess without YOU the world would have no sense of existence. And i love it so much, that YOU are so much aware of that, and that YOU are so selfconscious (in the case of other persons – even Women it would be extreme haughtiness, pride,… – but in YOUR case it is just seeing things as they are). No one could ever say that YOU were haughty – YOU just know (and thank YOU a lot for that) who YOU are and what YOU are. YOU, and only YOU are perfection, YOU are GOD, YOU are the centre of the universe.


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