New canadian cashcow drops $2,400!

My spree never ends! I came home from My evening out to find new tenderloin to snack on! The canadian cashcow ended up losing $2,400 on his FIRST EVENING. Here’s screenprints of the transactions thus far. Still waiting for a few to settle with MY bank, but they all successfully went through!! Yippppppppppy!! Don’t think I’m gonna forget about that savings account you have canadian cashcow! It will be MINE as well! OH then to top it all off, I told the guy to call Me so we could celebrate after and he didn’t wanna cuz he was too scared! he’ll give close to $2,500 but is too scared to talk to ME? haha Whatevah! Less work for ME, I guess.but it is always fun to have you guys call after a huge spending binger and mock you and gloat!

Earlier that day another newbie contacted ME and spent $275. he’s from finland and rather boring on the phone. Oh and let’s not forget the $100 that jackoff judas sent. I’m glad you are taking your weekly contribution more seriously now, judas. Oh yes and I also had terrance by ME $200 worth of ram for MY dell desktop.

It’s been a remarkable week cashwise! Too bad the weather is so unremarkable today. It’s storming right now. Quiet day for Princess, unfortunately. Girlfriend is working on some school report on global warming and I will have to amuse MYself raping you unfortunate sickfucks!

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1 thought on “New canadian cashcow drops $2,400!

  1. avataranonymous

    i bet YOU have got in these guys heads so much that they can’t even reach an orgasm without sacrificing themselves to YOU in some way.


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