I decided to add that Princess SlideShow to MY domain page. I think it looks pretty damned good there. Is it slowing the page down a lot? The page itself seems to load pretty fast on MY side.
Ok don’t get the Harley luggage because sissy don got it and paid $270 for it. 🙂 he also sent ME $500 cash today. msub you were in the middle of sending Me more money when MY computer froze up. When I got back. you split! How much have you sent so far .$300?? Now you owe ME another $100 PLUS $100 penalty. toiletbrush sent ME $200 and I’m still not talking to him til he sends ME $500 more. sharon was mesmerized by My slideshow and sent Me another $400 of her hubby’s paycheck. I got the last measly $30 from jewish pig’s paycheck. he swears there will be more tonite. There BETTER be! So far a few guys have been getting the Princess myspace decoration. hahaha Funny!
I added some cute things on MYspace. heehee I thought some of MY boys needed some new “exposure.” Check it out, you can get your myspace all decorated with the Princess Sierra theme.
This guy did. you can get directions on how to add the theme to your MYspace on MY profile.
What’s new with the vasaline freak side-show saga Princess?
Are you going to reel him in and land him? Or has he broken the line and got away?
Vaseline freak will most likely not be coming back. His wife and several people he has worked with have seen vaselinefreak.com