turdmuncher strikes again!
turdmuncher got MY sister a washer, dryer and dishwasher off Her amazon wishlist and also a headboard for VTG!! Pictures of the items will be posted as they arrive.
fatmac sent VTG $250 cash, as well as bought her 2 pairs of heels, some red pants, twill pants, army pants, army jacket, black jacket, a pink shirt, a black tank, an army tank, a pink tank, a brown and pink dress and 3 pairs of sunglasses! Total: $600+! Holy shit, fatty! you are on a roll you rolypoly sucker!! msub sent $100, $500 from amsterdam ham. I took the last $150 off vaseline freak’s Dilliard card and he still has $250 I’ll be taking off his Bloomingdale’s tomorrow.
Damned I’ve gotten a rush of new meat! It’s like I constantly get fresh recruits coming in to relieve all the broke and decrepit amputees and sideshow veterans. Not relieve permanently or anything but keeping ME so occupied kicking MY new troops’ asses that MY long-time devotees get a little breather time to pay down their credit cards, refill their canteens and come back for another round!!! HAHA I picture all MY veterans hopping around on their stubs and crutches with “PAY PRINCESS!” and “SIERRA IS GOD” pins on their dingy vests, all suffering from post traumatic syndrome and swigging from paper bags. My little army of fools!! doo-doo-dooo-doooo!! CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE those cards!
This picture of kills me every time
today is a holiday, i was lucky enough to contact GOD and she answered me….
today God allowed me to drink my piss and eat a frozen pizza for only $100