Are you FUCKIFIED yet??

$100 from the baboon and $200 from fagarina

$500 from the sinking frenchboy and ANOTHER $200 from loopy for legs. hmm today is fagarina’s payday so I’ll be getting another $200 from him too.

Well, I think Mexico is out of the picture for Christmas. It’s pretty screwed up and I’m sure the other areas of Mexico not banged up by the storms will be totally full of people who had reservations for Cancun and Cozumel.
Anybody ever do Costa Rica? Food probably blows there. Maybe I’ll do St Lucia, Barbados?? I’ve been hitting the tripadvisor pretty hard again. I gotta book something quick if I want to get something halfway decent for Christmas. I’m really picky and will read hundreds of reviews before I choose something.

$500 from some new guy who popped up all fuckified by My new writings. he tried to put in another $300 and it didn’t work. he was all coked up. Said his wife was coming and hung up. Loser! $200 from slutty suzy, $200 from loopy for legs, $100 from doomed brit, $100 from this whiney wade guy, $100 from some bastard named jeffrey, $300 from terrance plus some shit disappeared off MY amazon wishlist including a little massager, a indoor thermostat thing I wanted, shoes and other stuff. twinkie got Me a few things from american eagle, alloy and some other place totalling around $400.

I’m STILL waiting for MY fat GC amazon addict. *click click* (you know what I mean, dontcha?? I want those purses! easy don’t forget MY $300!!

Well here’s MY review on that new abs workout DVD I got called 3-D abs.
SUCKS ass!
It’s very mannish and has you jumping around on one foot with a basketball and doing these very lame moves. I’ll be tossing that one. Go buy ME some more stuff, lotzalip dude to make up for it. Don’t tell Me you can’t afford it. Just don’t have Christmas this year.

Hey what a good idea! Why don’t you ALL NOT have Christmas this year?? you can fill your family’s stockings with My picture and toenail clippings. What a merry christmas that will be for them! “Daddy? Why didn’t Santa come this year?” Because daddy was a very naughty pervert!

And easy scott. he’s always whining that his kids won’t have a “college fund.” Fuck that! Nobody paid for My college. I got a scholarship. Well, I had an old guy pay for MY housing through college, but MY tuition was paid by scholarships. It’s not MY fault your kids ain’t gifted! Send them to community college and you worry about paying for My vacation!

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1 thought on “Are you FUCKIFIED yet??

  1. avataranonymous

    I’ve got one piece of advice for anyone thinking of phoning Princess – Dont.

    Once you speak to Her She will find your weaknesses and then you’ll be Hers for ever and ever.


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