
Guess who fucked doomedbrit out of $300? (Just like I said I would)
Guess who got $600 PLUS a sexy little business suit from vintage furfreak?
Guess who got $400 PLUS $150 shopping from twinkie?
Guess who got $75 from luvsblackcock?
Guess who will get your money too???

HAHAHA! Oh My, really.. you boys are just TOOOOOOO easy.
Take a few pics! Say a few coy things to MY video camera. Don’t really have to do much, but sit there in MY ponytail and a tshirt and say a few words from the couch in My den. No sexy clothing, no fancy lighting, no professional makeup, no scripts, no practice, no BULLSHIT..just Me being perfect, being irresistible.. being ME. Poof! Your money disappears and magically reappears in MY hands! Now you see it, now you don’t! OOps Princess got your nose! Princess got your dick! Princess got your brain! Princess got your paycheck! Princess got you soul!
you’re all instantly turned into drooling infants, sitting in front of your computers in your bibs, begging to be spoonfed My abuse! Nobody mocks you big bald babies quite like Princess, huh? Notice how naturally it comes to Me? Naturally, you feel like falling to your knees and suffering for ME..because you were BORN to be MOCKED by ME, abused by Me..naturally.

What do I think about all this??? Really. The only thing that comes to mind right now is..


I gotta go look for more goodies to add to My amazon wishlist because I got amazon addict in a state of delirium right now and need to be prepared to take FULL advantage of him tonite. toodly loo!

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1 thought on ““Naturally”

  1. avatarlotsa_lip

    “……..No sexy clothing, no fancy lighting, no professional makeup, no scripts, no practice, no BULLSHIT…just Me being perfect, being irresistible…. being ME……”

    Could this be the most amazing thing about You? All of it is so “natural”. You NEVER put on any airs. There is no false pretense. It is always just You. One does so “naturally” fall to the knees.


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