Updates, freakpies!

brad the fag: If you wanna see the cute video.you’ll send Me $100. We both know you will.

Check out the new vid/pic gallery in the MEMBERS area boys!
3 video clips and 6 new photos. Very casual videos of Me. Prepared to have your brain SCRUBBED! I think the LONG LONG LEGS video might be a favorite for many of you.

(Removed the FREE video clip cuz some of you freaks were watching it like 40 fucking times! Made my fagarina.com serve space go zonky.) Maybe I will slap it up on another one of bigger MY servers and add the link here again..

It’s 3:00 p.m. and I just woke up. I was EXHAUSTED from MY late night of fucking over liquored up lou.

Oh easy, I made you a little personal video clip. So you better go dip in the family christmas fund!
(The longer one is in members, I’ll send it to you since I never allow you a membership.)

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3 thoughts on “Updates, freakpies!

  1. avataranonymous


    Just wanted to congratulate YOU on YOUR most enchanting series of pics ever, the set YOU are currently using as avatars. YOU are a “ten” who takes men to zero.

    Thank YOU


  2. avatarlotsa_lip

    You look so amazing in the new pictures and videos, Princess. You have the most electric personality and charm. Something very different about You.


  3. avataranonymous

    i must say you should be worshiped. you are perfect from head to toe your hair is so beautiful as is your eyes ………….you are just a perfect dominant goddess


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