$2,200 MORE from lou!

Update: lou sent 2,200 and tried to send another $1,000 but his frickin’ bank shut him down for going up to his limit. you still owe ME $1,000 louloubell! you promised! Although you will wake up tomorrow and think you’ll never pay it up, know this, your dick will betray you! I will get what I want! you will be the lou-ser!

Yay Yay for ME!!

I got lou SOO drunk tonite that he just forked over $2,200.00 dollars! Woohoo! he LOVES it! Screw lou!

Then I got $200 from slutty suzy and $100 from some other dude.

I did take a few pics today. Not as many as I planned because I was having wardrobe technicalities and in a pissy mood. But I did make a few video clips that will make up for the puny gallery. Look for them tomorrow!

What can I say? I get more fucking enchanting with every friggin passing day! My brows are divine this week.

We actually took a ride today. Put on our winter gear and it wasn’t too bad. My friend who just passed her riding course a few months ago, is riding around on the little baby Yamaha Virago for the first time these last few weeks. It’s pretty fucking funny. She is afraid to make left turns at stop signs and makes us take right turns over and over. She totally SUCKS ass riding and stalls all the time and is always in the wrong gear, but thats how you learn. A few days back we took her out to practice and this straight biker bitch says nice bike to Me and then asks My friend what kind hers is and adds that she only will “ride a harley” and my friend who’s already pissed off cuz other bikers don’t wave at her cuz she’s on the Yamaha, says “have you actually operated one”? Ha! Guess not cuz that weathered old bleach blond said nothing, gave her a dirty look and went back into the gas station to look for her man. When she came back out, she made sure not to look at us as she got on the back. If you’re going to be a stuck-up biker, at least be one who can start a bike.

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1 thought on “$2,200 MORE from lou!

  1. avataranonymous

    Sierra! Sierra! You are just too beautiful for words. And how You get better and better is just not right. Maybe You ARE a vampire…growing stronger and more powerful and more beautiful and “enchanting” and “divine” and more in love with Yourself with every soul You drink.

    (Your friend will do ok as 3 rights = 1 left. Just have her pirouette to the right whenever You go to the left.)


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