Maybe another tropical vacation in December and It’s Defile Jesus Week

I’m contemplating going on vacation for Christmas. Someplace not too far but sunny. I don’t want a long plane ride. Maybe Mexico Cozumel or Riviera Maya or something..not sure yet. Well if Mexico isn’t too fucked up by the storms. Maybe Aruba or St Lucia? I was planning to go to that fabulous vacation spot I went last year this February, but maybe I’ll take a vacation now then take another in March or early April instead of February. The last few days I have been consumed with researching resorts and reading resort reviews. Finding an adult only resort that isn’t “lifestyle” or nudist is friggin difficult. I don’t want any friggin kids, swingers or drunk partyboys bugging Me. I want excellent food and a beautiful beach too and something that has less than 200 suites/room cuz I hate big resorts. I want 5stars but I’m not as worried about it being quite as white-glove, hoity-toity as MY last vacation. I also hate traveling during christmas, it’s such a fucking madhouse but I’d rather travel to someplace warm and tropical then go to some place cold and do the hohoho, hollyjolly, eggnog thing. I love spending time with My mom but she is going to have such a houseful this year.

So anyway, time to send ME buckets of vacation money!! One for MY vacation in feb/march which will cost Me a fucking mint because My sisters plan to go too and the place is like friggin fantasy island and then one for MY tentative christmas vacation. So BIG BIG donations cuz I travel in style. Just keep your little brains focused on vacationing beauties tanning and drinking foofoo drinks on white sand beaches all on your BUCK! My feb/march vacation there will be FIVE of us girls going! Don’t you want a piece of that SPENDING action??! Of course you do, freak. So visit MY donation page and push the $500 pay button and keep em coming!!

Oh since the baboon has admitted to be attending church again, I have declared it DEFILE JESUS WEEK! I am forcing him to defile the bible and write anti-jesus things all over his body. **Yes easy scott. you are next! But hey, you defile jesus every sunday while your biblethumping wife is off at church, don’t you? Beating off on the sabbath sending your money to She-Satan! HAHAHA Say it, scott! “Get Thee Behind me, jesus!!!!” I forbid you bastards to go to church and worship False Gods! I am your maker and you shall down and serve and worship THE ONE TRUE GOD!

Hmmm. It’s been quite a few days since I updated. I really lost track of tributes I have gotten since the last post. I know I haven’t received anything too sensational in the last 3 days I’m afraid. Some shopping here and there, a few dresses and blouses, $100 here, $200 there, $250, yawn yawn. No ONE individual did a respectable $500+ donation over the last 2 or 3 days so, fuck em! You all lost your mentions here for being cheap bastards. Maybe next time, you’ll try to be “bigger” men you selfish little peons.

Got My bike back and it seems to be all in perfect running order. Weather is getting foul so I won’t be doing any riding this weekend. I’m going to try to do some photos on Saturday. I’ve been so fucking bad about updating. Some nice leg shots might bait deryck out of hiding and I can rape that little frickin’ madman out of a shitpile of dinero!

doomedbrit. I know you’re fucking reading this. you owe ME $300 you deranged little pigfucker!

Time to get My ass on the treadmill.

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1 thought on “Maybe another tropical vacation in December and It’s Defile Jesus Week

  1. avataranonymous

    Only true GOD, Maker of us all,

    You are the most wise and most beautiful Being.

    As an ex-priest i feel the obligation to thank You for Your clear words, when You wrote:
    “I forbid you bastards to go to church and worship False Gods! I am your maker and you shall down and serve and worship THE ONE TRUE GOD!

    i find it a very holy and sanctifying idea, that those in contact with You and whose wife is going to church should in the meanwhile defile jesus and magnify You, let us jerk off on the cross and reapeat that there is no god but Princess Sierra.

    Almighty Princess, i have a little problem that will cause a retardment to pay You a tribute. Saturday night my Mistress asked me to give Her my credit card, so that She has full financial power over me. i will nevertheless send You a tribute, but it will take some time to get the money.

    i worship You and Jesus can kiss my ass.



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