blackpooch cocksucking pic on display!

Check out his confused widdle email.

Let me explain in brief my dilemma.

First and foremost i want to serve you. i always want to do what you say and throw caution to the wind with your every expectation you have of me. i soo crave to be in your presence to feel your hand across my face, view your wicked twisted smile at my physical and emotional suffering. Near you to take in your beauty would be overwhelming to my senses.

Second, the foul perverse things you ask me to do have begun to cause me to get more and more excited to them. The raunchier and nastier the better. The problem with that is that i’m loosing interest in the simplest of things that could routinely take place in a normal male female relationship. Hence, my future potential in that type of relationship is lessening. It scares me to think of what i will be doing in a year. And i haven’t even met you! The power you have over me is uncanny and frightening. But the whole time I LOVE IT and how you treat me. It’s very confusing and self destructive. I am looking for a home and i’m concerned about my endeavor in becoming a true sub to a domme. And certainly you are as good as it gets! i know you get your jollies off of me, and thats fine. i feel something real though. And i’m into what you do to me. Please forgive me, i’m going through some changes right now and i feel that i’m at a crossroads in my life, and life style of choosing. i just wanted you to know part of what is going on inside me because of the wonderment of you.

black pooch

Ok get this. Poor little m.j. signed up for the $100 love tax months ago and for some reason My billing went on the blitz and started triple billing him for the last few weeks. It only happened to him, I have no idea why it kept repeating his recurring payment. Anyway, I discovered it and like you saw, posted a note for him to get back to ME. he emailed Me back and said that he never signed up three times. I told him I would fix it and he would only be billed once a week like he had signed up for. In My little Princess way, I asked him if he would prefer a refund or just to “suck it up” like a good loser and just accept all the extra charges. Well, guess which he chose?? he chose to just pay the extra $600 or so he had been mistakingly billed. I laughed SOOOOO hard, that I think his little pecker perked up cuz guess what I just found in MY email??? Another $500 donation from m.j.! HipHipHurray!

I’m SOOO fucking good.

blackpooch signed up for another gas card for Me. It’s suppose to get to him in a few days. I still want another one for sis.

toiletbrush spent almost $300 clothes shopping for ME, twinkie sent Me $500 and also spent around $200 on shopping, some foot guy sent $250 for some pics of MY feet, latex lover dropped ME $400 and also got Me a few blouses, some lowcarb treats, toiletries–all coming up to around another $200. I totally need to update MY wishlists with new stuff for you guys to buy and all MY new loot.

I’m not going to be home for a few days. I’ll have My phone forwarded and be online, but I won’t be home–so members might have to wait another week or so for another photo shoot. Hang in there, bungboys. Perhaps I will make some more voice wavs to get you through another wek or so. I know I havent put up a big gallery this month. I’ll make the next one a big one.. But you wouldn’t dream of complaining, would you??? I need to think of something interesting to wear for the next shoot. hmmmm..

amazon addict, I’m on another makeup tirade. Get your butt to My amazon wishlist and do your duty! Tell sputnik I said hi! 🙂

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