Update just got $300+ Nordstroms shopping done with fatmac–2 pair of sandles, a cool poncho, and a dress for something I have to go to. vintage freak actually begged to buy Me 2 more sundresses for this summer after a long week of ME getting freaky on his creditcard. divorcee’s $100 I was bitching about earlier today, just showed up. 🙂 I’ve spent waaay too long looking for shit for you guys to shop for today. It’s really soo exhausting. I must rest MY weary little head.
I just decided I hate priscilla queen of denial. he paid $200 but I don’t think I’m ever talking to his sorry ass again. I got an anonymous guy who signed up for the $100 monthly lovetax.you know who you are, so go make another donation! russell the baboon coughed up $100, $100 from bleeding lamb. toiletbrush paid $150 for advertisement and bought Me another Farscape DVD, smalldick SD spent about $300 at Macy’s clothes shopping today, vintage freak got Me a cool leather vest and new pink dress today and also bought Me a new plant for the small container watergarden I am putting up on the deck. I still need a few more plants for it–so I’ll stick someone with those as soon as I pick them out. Also picking out a few more goldfish which toiletbrush will be assigned to purchase. Pitiful little divorcee was going to make another $100 donation today but his tiny little creditcard was already maxed! I’m keeping track, boy! I will collect that in a few days–or else you might have problems. heehee fatmac can breath a sigh of relief, My sister Veronica got Her $200 but She is demanding another $200 cuz he took so fucking damned long to get it mailed.
Worked-out like a maniac today and yesterday. Today I did a 60minute Firm Tape in the midday and another Firm Tape later in the evening plus a good abs workout. Yesterday I did about 2 hours combination of Firm Tape and weights and a really good ab and leg work later in the evening. Had a totally yummy greek salad for dinner. I tried using that new stovetop smoker last night on some salmon and it totally smelled the house up. It was pretty icky–the smoke smell of those particular wood chips just made MY stomach churn. I had a guy run to Arby’s and get Me a salad and toss out the fish.