DO or Die!

DO or Die!

Pheww.. long time since I’ve posted.

 Guess who’s back?  That 21 year old  douchebag who thinks he can conveniently go back to his normal life and be a normal guy. What he doesn’t understand is that he started being transformed into a freak at a REALLY young age, think how much I will have fucked him up by the time he is 35!!      The guys who have been bottled -fed MY poison are the sickest fucks of them all! hahahaha Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude, you are so totally SCREWED!  Well  My little baby douche sent $1,000.    I received $600 from a guy named jason.  I can’t remember if I talked to him.  I might have been multi-tasking during his I.M.’s because I have a vague memory of his screenname but not much more. hahahaha Sometimes you losers all become a big blur!  Make another donation jason and re-freshen MY memory!  senor doggy and his faithful sidekick senor pequeno sent $300.  you two beaners contact ME asap for your next video adventure.

 fagarina I got your text last night around midnight saying you loved ME.  hahaha Did you wake up with a little bonerette in your panties?  hahaha Send ME another $200 on monday and call Me so we can plan your outfit.  grandpa freakpie is not dead.  he is broke, which is as good as dead to ME.  he’s begging for attention, but has nothing to offer Me.  When you can’t spoil Princess anymore..your life is basically OVER.  Stop sucking up MY oxygen old man!!  Find a way to get ME what I want or start digging your grave!

 mrobot activate!!

unroyal fool is sending another $1,000. Here’s his latest odious ode.

I’m a cocksucking fag and Princess will agree,In all the whole world there’s no loser like me.
I try to resist her, but it’s futile and lame;
She will always defeat me, play my heart like a game.
I’m so very weak; all my cash I will send.
She’s says,’Suck on that dick. It’s your only true friend’.
That’s so very true; no one loves me;
So I suck ugly bastards, pimped out for a fee.
If I had a nice lady, in my life, I would shine,
But none would ever have me, a butt-ugly swine.
I’m way beyond homely; no woman wants a wimp,
So male freaks take me, get it sucked, pay my pimp.
Once I was proud, thought my future was bright,
But Princess the Predator took my soul in the night.
I’m now empty and stupid, lost and a wreck,
But I LOVE her so much that I don’t give a heck.
Soon there will be more cash to send;
She will just laugh, and high-five her girlfriend.
It’s my special duty to spoil VTG too;
I go into raptures for one look at her shoe.
She’s a vibrant young woman, while I’m just an ape,
So I open my wallet for VTG to rape.
She takes it and parties; I’m mostly ignored;
I have nothing else she wants, I make her so bored.
She has no time for the ugly, the dickless, the fool;
I can look but not touch, while I dribble and drool.
She laughs with her sister, Princess, in cahoots,
While I blow my sad load at pictures of her boots.
So I thank you, Great Princess, for winning again;
The Queen’s in her castle, on that you depend.
I’d give my whole world for one kiss of her toe,
But she already owns me; it will ever be so!

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7 thoughts on “DO or Die!

  1. avatarpatrick from ohio

    Princess, I am thrilled when you post, but it is never expected. We douche bag assholes men in your life do not deserve the pleasure of reading your words. You photos are also always appreciated, but never expected. Your beauty in unmatched, your body breaks mens hearts then their souls and then their wallets. You are supreme, thank you for existing.


  2. avatarhairlip

    Every time someone “returns” after trying to go back to who they used to be, i get this pit in my tummy. Like YOU are showing me what YOU have done to me, and how ‘forever’ it is; that nobody can ever go back to life before SIERRA. Even the jealous girls cannot move on.
    Princess, YOU make me tremble in fear.
    Sometimes i have thoughts of who i was and the widdle puppy i am now. But YOU keep making him seem farther and farther away with a widening chasm between us.


  3. avatarAnonymous


    “First i had to piss on dinner, yes thats starting again PRINCESS says im too fat and this might help me lose weight.”

    piggy journals


  4. avatarhoerslaaf

    that douchebag, will have such a happy life..under total control of the princess..i wonder what the princess will make of him.


  5. avatarAnonymous

    You are so hot. May I respectfully inquire as to your age? I’m 27 little dicked virgin. I hope you are making a lot of money from other fools like me.


  6. avatarworthless

    Douchbag is screwed; I’ve been reading Princesses blog obsessively since I was nineteen and just it has fundamentally changed my sexual landscape. Depressingly I have nothing to offer her, even reading her blog is a privilege I don’t deserve, so I just crawl away into my meaningless hole and wait for the day I can do something worthwhile, hoping that when I do have something to offer she’ll grant me the honor of being destroyed by her.



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