Goodies Galore!

Goodies Galore!

Ooh The UPS guy left a BIG pile of stuff on MY porch.  First I got the Sony 26″ tv for one of the bedrooms, an Xbox 360, another Bluetooth from vaseline freak.   Oh and guess what else vaseline freak got raped for? $1400 GC’s from PotteryBarn!  I think I’m going to use it towards a sofa. yaaaaaaaaaay!  Well anyway, the vaseline freak is still trying to prove that he can turn over a new leaf.  he’s going to be the vaseline freak blowup doll.  I am making him buy a ring gag to keep his mouth open for hours on end like the world’s ugliest blow-up doll and then I’m going to “blow him up” with an inflatable butt plug.  I’m going to make him pump that fucker like 40 times. When I’m through with him, he’s going to look like a Thanksgiving parade balloon!  he doesn’t get to stop pumping  until the butt plug gets so big it EXPLODES in his ass.  This fucker has such a long history of lieing and cheating and slutting around with many Mistresses, I could care what happens to him.  he has fetish for having his mouth stuffed full of vaseline and then to be forced to eat it!  Sure! That dumb ass can eat a whole jar a day. Petroleum jelly can’t be good for your stomach and bowels.  I say, let’s lube up that sorry ass pervert’s belly and intestines with gallons of petroleum jelly day after day and see what the fuck happens.

10 SUPER Crispy 100 dollar bills arrived from the unfabulous unroyal fool.  There’s nothing quite as nice  as ripping open an envelope chock full of brand new $100 bills.   I’ll take pics tonight or tomorrow.

Ok sooo as I said I think I’m going to use MY pottery barn GCs for a sofa.but I MUST have this too!!!  SOMEBODY purchase this ASAP!  I want this for over MY kitchen table NOW.  It’s soo funky!  Update:  Yay! wolfie bought My chandelier.

My new $$$pig who sent ME over $1500 recently sent ME his photo because he was all proud that he completed the 26.2 mile marathon at 62 years old.  Hurray for $$$pig.  I just made you famous.  So when are ya sending Me another $500 in the mail???


fagarina ordered his new valentine’s day outfit and lost $200 oh and that pathetic arabian coughed up $500!

Note to toiletbrush: you owe ME $500 RIGHT FUCKING NOW! 

Yipes!  There is a freaky wind storm going on right now! 

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5 thoughts on “Goodies Galore!

  1. avatarAnonymous

    Princess please be careful, when I was attending trades school for auto mechanics. A teacher there told us a old story bout 3 guys in a shop were horseing around, and took the chuck at the end of the air hose off and stick it up some guys ass, well his intestines blew up and the guy died very fast. I just do not want you to get in any kind of trouble, Princess.


  2. avatarsubmissmanshawn

    I’am going public here on the journal to apologize to Princess. I realize i’am going against her wishes by not revealing certain information on me. I’am very scared i have to admit, i know with this certain piece of info Mistress would have such a hold on me. I’ll tell you i’am not sure i would even get any sleep at night. She’s so beautiful though i find myself day by day feeling weaker and giving in to these demands. I’am so confused more for the fact that i know i’am going against what she wants and this is just not acceptable. I love Princess Sierra. Where do i go from here.


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