Update: Check out the unroyal fool’s poem, I’ve posted at the end of this entry. “freak of the sea” totally cracked My ass up!
HAHAHA! I’m always amused by just how many moneydommes and camgirls read MY journal and have the nerve to proposition My slaves if given half a chance. I knew that oliver twisted would receive emails from chicks begging cash from him if I posted his email, cuz that’s what bottom feeders do..ya know.. sit around on the bottom, in the mud..waiting, watching the BIG SHARK, the REAL PREDATOR, the Deadliest man-killer circle above, attack, rip through Her prey, devour their resources, savagely feast on their flesh, their minds and their suffering. They watch ME Feed MY Greed, feed on you helpless, flopping flounders, in hopes that some small tid-bit, some insignificant slightly chewed-up, gristled, tiny scrap escapes MY lethal teeth and slowly floats down to the awaiting open hungry mouths of the silly little scavengers below.
Here’s MY favorite that one of the slopsuckers emailed oliver. Truly, how can I ever compete with such Dommely creative genius such as this?
For clarification, oliver twisted is NOT the guy in the photo. That guy is ben. he’s just a whore in stockings. oliver twisted is the foreign freak who has sent Me thousands upon thousands of dollars and is absolutely hopelessly addicted to ME.
Those boots from VS are HOTTTTT! Oh boy. I’m totally taking pictures in those babies. I’ve been getting shitloads of boxes in the mail! I’m expecting a HUGE box from VS from My shopping spree with jackoff george. vintage furfreak sent $500 today, wolfie did $300, smalldickSD sent $200, mark frances bought Me a leather skirt and hairlip got some more pretty sparkly jewelry!
I got to hop in the shower and wash MY hair. Me and the girlfriend are going furniture shopping and I have to make a few exchanges at the mall. Perhaps I’ll be back tonight.
Princess the Predator by the unroyal fool
It’s a sad little life for a fish in the sea,
There are all sorts of dangers, for a flounder like me.
I thought I could swim in the ocean so blue,
But the Predator caught me and ripped me in two.
Princess the Predator sank in her teeth,
So my heart and brain tumbled to the seabed beneath.
Her teeth formed new patterns, new holes in my skin,
And she filled them with venom, so new life could begin.
She invited her sister to come join the feast,
V the Great One bit out the wallet of this loser beast.
She stomped my poor heart, with her boot, into mash,
And she made me pay up for vacations and cash.
Princess the Predator laughed all the while,
And financially raped me in her Predator style.
No woman would have a scarred fish like me,
Transformed by Princess as a freak of the sea.
This fish sucks cocks, sometimes three in a night,
Just to hear Princess mock and laugh with delight.
A victim of these Predators I’ll always be,
As they rule all the oceans, the Queens of the Sea!
Wow Princess you are such a EXCITING women!
This post is an excellent reminder that Princess Sierra is not only at the top of the financial domme world in terms of her skill and beauty, but she also trumps all of them in terms of her outstanding writing ability. She paints such vivid pictures with her words.
Two words sum up Princess, she is Brilliant, and very cunning. Its such a beautiful world she has built for us.
Wow Princess! This is such an intoxicating self discription!
Yes Princess yes, I can see you shredding your victim’s apart with your fangs like a mad blood crazed vampress, while the scavengers hobble below you waiting for a scrap a tiny morsel to fall down to them from your luscious vicious bloody gorgeous lip’s. Your eyes are full of fire and blood lust. Oh lord I bow to thy.
Princess, as always it is wonderful to have Your thoughts and writings inserted into the vains. In my view the poem is not funny at all. On the contrary, for some of us this is a great and realistic description of life itself.
Wow thats a fucked up poem. 🙂
Usually I am critical of the drivel that you pathetic minions write on here, but I have to admit, this poet shows a bit of talent. And I think there is an additional poetry tax that Princess has levied. Pay up, sucker!