Update: Yay for hairlip!! he bought My laptop without any prodding or encouragement! he’s such a good boy. Didja see how quickly I got that laptop? hahahaha! Whatever Princess wants .Princess gets.. FAST!
shitenstein just sent $500
BEHOLD shitenstein!
That’s one nutty S.O.B.! hahahaha!
One of My toshiba laptops totally DIED today. I still have the big gamer one that grandpa bought Me.but it’s too big to haul around and I have one other toshiba, but I want a backup. SO someone get the laptop on MY amazon wishlist ASAP! Who’s going to be the lucky guy to buy it and TOTALLY make ME happy?? Hurry up!!
Miss Me on webcam??
laptops sometimes have batteries that ‘die’. suggest having one of YOUR tech guys check it out before you discard “the laptop that just died”.
yo asshole. If I decide I want to discard a laptop and have a loser like you buy ME a new one because there is a mere scratch on it…I will do so.
It’s not the battery. I tried it with my other toshiba that has the same battery and electric plug. It might be something minor..but I don’t give a fuck. When laptops give me troubles…I get a loser to buy Me a new one. Any more questions old man?
Yeah, that is what we all like so very much at PRINCESS SIERRA ! ! !
Princess God, please don’t have mercy with us.
PRINCESS SIERRA, perfection, The Center of the universe, our Maker, The supreme Exploitrix should never ever have to live or to handle with stuff that is not for the full 100% OK or up to Her wishes.
And i think all of us, we have to repeat it over and over for ourselves that PRINCESS SIERRA has the right to abuse us till the very end and when it were for a mere scratch on one of Her belongings.
I am not a domme or even a “wannabe” I came across your website ages ago and became a straight female fan. Granted I think you are stunning but I do not have a worship fetish. You were just fun to “watch”. I even showed your site to my husband who thought you were pure evil. I had to explain that these “guys” loved it!!! Wanted to be destroyed by you!! He thought it was sick…I find it funny!!! High five girlfriend!!! BTW…what ever happened to the priest? LMAO!!!!
Princess that is a beautiful picture of you, I love it. Thank you so much.
Hi OnceAFan.
Female fans who follow My website for the pure enjoyment and entertainment are MY Very favorite fans. Generally the ladies tend to read it because they want something from me or hope to gain something financially, but I’m always excited to find a Female reader who reads it for the fun of it! 🙂
I don’t know where the priest is. he turned tail and ran after I sent his photos to his parish. I’m not sure if that one will be back and I don’t care. I still have another catholic priest, but I don’t make this one take photos doing stupid “priest tricks.” he’s much less annoying and very loyal. The other priest was a stupid whore.
yes i miss you even though i probably only saw for a brief time on cam. Mr freakpie i was wondering how do you rationalise your self self destructive behaviour, also david / mr tityboy i was hoping to find out the same thing about you. sorry princess i know we have discussed in the passed the negative elemants of of me asking questions of this nature, other people who have acheved m,uch greater levels of connection with you are none of my buisness i know. sorry princess i am in a state of alchololeic indiuced mania that has promited my more than usual prolific discourse. sorry sorry im a mess sorry
Once a fan, not everyone wants to be destroyed.
PRINCESS.All i have to do is see YOUR face and i get hard right away.It is like YOU see thru me.
Princess you look soo hott and sexy in that pic, it is not even funny.
Grandpa freakpie YOU ARE A DORK!
You are beautiful.
There is so distance between You and most of the things that adore You, that showing a photo or a video of one of them (and i am not better than anybody)and smiling as You smile there, needless of anymore, inflicts to the thing a deep humiliation, so deep that he can drink it as an exquisite liquor – if he is looking for that.
Princess your the best! I love you. 😉
That someone so beautiful and strong like You humiliate and abuse of guys so under any acceptable level, similars to me, is so exciting.
Sorry Princess if i am bothering You with my silly messages.It is the last one.
This entry of Yours is great not only on account of the lovely photo, and the contrast with the video. Also on account of what You say about the laptop and the losers and the scratch. i think that Your anger, when the spectator is not the target, is for him mannah from heaven.
Is it the speed with which she got the laptop or the combination of that along with her pretty picture and the totally cocky look on her face that makes us so impressed by conquest? Whatever it is, this was an unreal victory even for those of us who have followed the Princess’s story and triumphs for years. She sooooooooooo rocks.
wow, thats pussy power for you!
if any one is interested we is still alive all three
Nobody is interested if you are alive, baby baboon. I am only interested in the fact that you owe Me a tribute. you and your monkey brothers will be punished severely and will be probed by many bananas!
Shitinstein is a fuckwit and an embarrassment to humanity.
Dear GOD, YOU are just simply so beautiful.
i apologise to GOD for my foolish and stupid suggestion in response 1 of 22 above. – on a positive note, YOUR Divine Photo entitled ‘webcamtonite22.jpg’ with YOUR Perfect Left Palm, Inner-Side of YOUR Matchless Wrist and the All-Powerful Lower Portion of Your Left Forearm Touching YOUR Precious Hair is an Awe-Inspiring Photo. – YOUR Eyes Lock onto a target and never let go! – to me, this is the most mesmerizing photo of YOU i have ever seen. – yes, i have another question. – PRINCESS GOD…. – how do YOU manage to make each new photo, even after making thousands of Images of YOUR HOLY SELF, more Beautiful, more Powerful, and considerably more Youthful than the previous photo? – No wonder YOU keep every slave YOU really want to keep!!!!
Your face jumps from photo to photo like a trapezist dazzling us. This pirouette from here reflects Your bright side: the day is sunny, all runs OK, life is a good thing for You. You hypnotize me through my words in an insane unfoldment of my solitude.
Almighty GOD, YOU are amazing! AMAZING!!!!!