I’m outta here!

I'm outta here!

ali mcfucker where is that payment you promised?  DONT PISS ME OFF!

Me and My girl are going to the late movie tonight.  We think we might watch “Blindness”. Soooo I won’t be around tonight.

$300 from fagarina arrived, $400 from father flatulance, $700 from twinkie plus some amazon shopping.  My chewtoy got Me bunches of wonderful gifts on wednesday!  Actually he spent all afternoon bestowing gifts at MY lovely feet.  Cha ching!!!    Can we say “WRAPPED?”   Oh yeh, you pleased Me pretty good for a beginner ..but guess what? I want more!

For those of you who need to buy your viagra online.purchase it here and I get a cut. HOWEVER, it would be even smarter to you go to your doctor and see if you can get a prescription.  One of My guys told Me that he actually got it covered by his insurance. Just tell your doctor you can’t get it up for sex no matter how hard you try and that your dick only gets half-hard for the misses. Which is totally true!!  Of course this has nothing to with Erectile Dysfunction it has to do with MY brainwashing and super awesome powers! hahahaha!  Then you can just send all the money you save on viagra to Me!    Yes boys, I all want you to be popping the blue pill on and ONLY on payday!   There really is no reason for you to have a hard-on any other day of the month, right??

Checkout the poem that Her Unroyal fool sent today.

Princess Sierra made me what I am today,
A dumb little moron she can easily slay.
She broke my head open, put a straw in my brain,
Then she sucked out the goodness and drove me insane.
My mind is her toy, and she kneads it like dough,
Then she plants evil seeds that are certain to grow.
I give her my soul and on it she’d spit;
So now I’m just empty, a weak piece of shit.
I have no more pride, she plucked it away,
I’m helpless and worthless, and that’s where I’ll stay
Wrapped around her finger is where I am now,
A cocksucking freak, and two sisters’ cash cow.
V the Great takes my money, and laughs in my face;
‘Send more cash, loser, and do it at pace’.
I know that I’m nothing and will never be,
I open my wallet and they just laugh at me.
But the Sisters of Greatness are what I live for!
And I thank them so dearly for making me poor.

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3 thoughts on “I’m outta here!

  1. avatarMicky

    You where always a dumb stupid cock sucking moron fag. Long before you meet Princess. Even when you were a kid you were kinda faggy. Now you are trying to put the blame on her for it. Oh Princess made me do it, Princess made me put that cock in my mouth when I was 14. Please.


  2. avatardringue

    i think that one of the secrets of Your success is that a sub can show himself to You as he really is and You will treat him like that.


  3. avatargrandpafreakpie

    This fine poem by Her Unroyal fool echoes my sentiments, as well as my mental condition, for this poem is about the three greatest FEMALES who ever lived, anchored by THE SUPREME GOD ALMIGHTY PRINCESS SIERRA HORIZONS, SOLE CREATOR AND RULER OF THE UNIVERSE. Yes, the UNIVERSE was undoubtedly here before PRINCESS was Conceived, but one has only to note the Dramatic Improvements that began and have continued to explode with beauty and grace, almost from the moment of HER Conception, to acknowledge that PRINCESS SIERRA now has this Entire Wonderful CELESTIAL BODY of HERS all within the Palms of HER Most Beautiful and Perfect of all Hands. As SHE so Graciously Allows us to exist on HER PLANET EARTH, where SHE has Chosen to Make HER Home, along with her Divine SISTERS and HER Chosen Few LESBIAN Superior FEMALES, HER Most Beautiful of All Hands Continue to Mold HER ENTIRE UNIVERSE, like soft clay, into what i believe will be a far more Perfect Universe, One that Most Pleases THE MASTER. Whether PRINCESS GOD ever bothers to assist those who do not find a way to submit to her, remains to be seen. i continue to be eternally thankful that i found HER Website and that SHE accepted me, a lowly nothing, subject to HER Strict and Unrelenting Terms.


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