toiletbrush tried to hide..but that didn’t go so well with him. THEY ALL COME BACK. BACK to the one who created them. I got $500 out of his sorry ass and MORE to come tonight. 🙂 twinkie sent Me $500 today and bought a few small items off MY amazon wishlist. $100 from hairlip and $300 from some fresh new meat..some guy who begged all night for ME to fart in his face. fatmac is back into his swing of shopping. yeah fatty you are whipped to the max!
Insert your your tampons into your lovetunnels! I started Wednesday and it’s a fucking doooozie! I might update later tonight.
Top 10 Things You didn’t know about David/Daisy Barrett:
David/Daisy Barrett wants to be a woman so s/he can suck even more cock!
David/Daisy Barrett is a transexual cumslut! Have you noticed David/Daisy Barrett becoming more feminine?
He wants to be a she! David/Daisy Barrett had such a limp dick s/he wants to cut it off!
Ask David/Daisy Barrett to suck your cock–s/he can’t refuse!
David/Daisy Barrett had two wives s/he couldn’t please! David/Daisy Barrett has tried to date, but hasn’t had sex with a woman in over a decade!
David/Daisy Barrett has been with countless anonymous men! David/Daisy Barrett wants to be gang-banged!
David/Daisy Barrett wants to be the center of a bukkake party!
Hiding is so much safer than coming back out, but it’s so difficult to keep doing.
i think a way of humiliating profoundly a man that is hiding his anormality is making him take hormones, then
inviting him to a party. Let him at first behave as an ordinary assistant, that talks with others about his job, movies,projects. Let him wear his social mask as if the party were a reward for his good behaviour. And then, suddenly, announce You’ll show the kind of sicko they were speaking with as if he were an ordinary guy and order him, in the same tone of voice of previously, to open his shirt and show his tits. This will break the barrier between his dalylight personality and his dirty secrets.
tittyboy, you are a lovely tranny, you can suck my tiny cock every time.
and about a bukkake party , they are great especially when you are in the center
Daisy you said you are depressed because you hate your penis. And you will like to have it removed. But if you did that and become a women and suck every cock in site, then you might get depressed because you are a whore.Then when you get old you might get real depressed because you will be a old whore. So I just think you should really think it over good.
i didn’t say that, Micky. Are you sure you just want to put words in my mouth?
Message to Toiletbrush, from Doomed Brit.
YOU will always keep returning to Princess, I know as I’ve been in your situation.
The only way to escape is to give Her so much you bankrupt yourself – so She is no longer interested in you; or castration – so you are no longer interested in Her.
Oh Daisy I thought you meant that. ok.