Powers back

Powers back

pedro sent $300 and 44 fucking offline messages. What an obsessed freak!  ali mcfucker just sent $500 make that $1,300!  hahahahaha Fuuuuuck you ali mcfuckstain!!!  It was sooo fun taking your cash!  eeny peeny teeny just snatched $300 out of fagarina’s wallet and is sent it snailmail. hahaha!  Way to go eeny peeny!  I’d high 5 you, but you are a penis..so that ain’t happening.  hahahhaha!  Oh I heard about fagarina’s little loan he is getting!  eeny peeny: call Me when fagarina is asleep and I have a little plan up MY sleeve!  muahahahhahaha!

Wow we had some crazy wind storm and over half of ohio lost electrity for days!  Did your lives flash before your eyes???  Princess fan..I recognize your ip everytime you leave an anoymous message begging for more photos.  Really? Do you think that’s the way to get JACK SHIT out of ME, bitch??? Get this straight, fucker!  I COME FIRST! you COME LAST!  Bitch your needs don’t fucking matter!! EVER! Eat shit and die, mother fucker!!

There are a shitload of tributes I lost track of since  My update before the black out.  Now it’s time to get serious, fuckers! Whip out those wallets!!

Oh I just had a GRAND idea! I think I’m going to make tittyboy get MY gorgeous face tatoo’ed on his body. 

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3 thoughts on “Powers back

  1. avatartittyboy

    my body is virgin to tattoos, Princess. But it was virgin to a lot of other things before i met you as well–not to sound all innocent or anything . . . i am definitely not that.

    i just wish i knew how far i will really have to go with this transformation, Princess. Do i get to choose how far, so the blame will all be on me? Or would you really blackmail me and make it so i can’t keep a respectable job unless i go all the way? Will i really end up living and working 24/7 as a female transexual? Will i have to get a male tattoo (like on my arm) or a female tattoo (like on my shoulder blade)? At least i know it will be the most beautiful thing on me, no matter where it is.


  2. avatarmark francis

    Princess is the most manipulative and intelligent beauty on the planet. Princess is ‘piece by piece’ rebuilding tittyboy into something that he wont ever recover from and thats ‘a new life as a tranny’. The tatoo idea with a picture of Princess’ beautiful face on him will surely be the end of any woman wanting to date him as women demand loyalty.Get used to regular ‘man sex’ tittyboy as i see it coming.


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