shitenstein hits the bottle

shitenstein hits the bottle

$500 from shitenstein and $500 from vintage furfreak. Sweeet!

shitenstein! Where did you go? you were suppose to come back with your shaver, your vodka and your credit card.  Me and MY girlfriend were sitting here waiting to watch you destroy yourself on cam while we have fun fleecing you on EVERY level!  you look soo nuts when your head is shaved.  Did I tell you, that your hair is like your only good physical trait? Yeh, you have wonky teeth, you are shaped like you escaped from a refugee camp, your face looks like it was pulled through a taffy machine and you’re as interesting as a pile of dried bird turds, but you have good hair. hahahaha  That’s why Princess must take it from you.  So give ME another ringring tonight, you self-loathing, bipolar alcoholic heapO’nothin! hahahahaha I want another $500.

randy the hump back freak, you called and didn’t call back when I told you to. you just earned $100 penalty on top of your regular phone call freak fee.

tittyboy is running around work with fucking bandaids on his ears wondering why everyone is staring at him. HAHAHAHA!

Oh check out the fucking hurricane that is going to hit florida.  My vacation is probably gonna suck ass weatherwise.  At least I will be surrounded by soggy lesbians.  boohoo.if we do get stormed out, I will just have to SCHEDULE another one.  Hi hairlip, I’m waving to you My little easy mantoy. heehee!  K I have all kinds of running to do today.  I have a lot of work to do. I have to hot-sync MY phone, run to Sprint and get MY treo looked at because it’s not charging when I plug it in.  Then I have to get My pedicure and MY manicure, pick up some boxes at Fedex and tan.  The come home and collect free money from goobers like you.  Phewwwww I dunno if I can handle another stress-filled day like this one!

Lalalalalala! My life is soooooo fucking amazing!  heehee Sucks to be you. FOR REAL!  Smooches to Myself!

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4 thoughts on “shitenstein hits the bottle

  1. avatarSoon2Bsmashed

    OMG..i have tried sooooooooooooooo hard to resist sending you my first comment, because i know once i start conversing with you, and you get me in your grasp, i am going to LOVE being manipulated, abused, and hypnotised as you drain every cent from me….There has been NOTHING better over the past 3 months since i started reading your daily blogs, seeing ALL the cash thrown at your feet as you laugh…I am going to one of your toys soon…i have never felt excitement like i just have, ONLY THINKING about doing it…i wanna be another loser who gets you to that $200,000 a month life !! How close are you ?


  2. avatarmark francis

    tittyboy, i hope you know what you’ve gotten yourself into…..Princess is turning you so girly before everyones eyes! you soon wont even be able to register as a male in the way your looks are changing. Princess knows what She is doing with you!


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