Look into the eyes of a Dominant Woman

Look into the eyes of a Dominant Woman

NOTE:  Ben, I found someone who will buy that graduation gift card of yours.  Email Me asap so I can get the # again.

  Look what I woke up to in MY mailbox!! 

Yep, $1,500 from old guy george!!!! Hopefully My merchant account won’t give ME any problems because it’s such a big transaction. $1,000 is MY maximum transaction. Hopefully, they won’t notice and will let it slide. When you guys are doing big tributes it’s usually safer to break them down into multiple smaller transactions like $500. Anyway, WOOOOOO FUCKING HOOOOOOO MOTHAFUCKAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Always a pleasure taking your cash, georgie!

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22 thoughts on “Look into the eyes of a Dominant Woman

  1. avatarAnonymous

    YOU know what i like at this photo – and all the others. YOU don’t need to do anything special to look dominant, because YOU most truly are. And no one will ever be so truly dominant and so dominant by nature than YOU.


  2. avatarAnonymous

    PSIMG&imhd means PRINCESS SIERRA IS MY GOD & i m her dog.GOD i m dat piece of shit who calls and annoys U everyday my no. is 9897696356 and plz the code is of india.U R THE ONLY GOD in this universe n this photograph proves it one more time.


  3. avatardringue

    Perhaps part of the difference between the way of looking of a Dominant Woman and of a Goddess is that the first
    one needs control life around her, then She must to watch at the things that She dominates. Her way of looking
    is penetrating because She needs to know, to control, and She looks inside the others without any respect of privacy
    because the private life of the others is part of Her domain. Instead a Goddess is Perfect. She is complete with Herself. She doesn’t need the things around her. She watchs Herself forever. Things around Her are unworthy.
    i think You are both of them. An earthly Goddess. i’d like to kiss each pixel of that photo.


  4. avatarNew UK Admirer

    I would have posted this in Princess Sierra’s Forum, but it seems not to be running at the moment. Please forgive me if it is wrong to leave this hear.

    A couple of years ago I visited Princess Sierra’s wonderful website off and on for a while, then I stopped. However a couple of weeks ago I visited again and now I find drawn to visiting it many times during the day, checking if there have been any new messages, looking at the content and wonderful photos and I have become a member too.

    It is really weird, the more I visit Her site, the deeper Princess Sierra and what she does to her slaves sinks into what I used to call my mind, imagining what might happen if I contacted Her, but I doubt whether I will ever have the courage to do so.

    Princess Sierra is truly amazing!

    (I’m from the UK, 62 yrs old interested in submission, cross dressing, mind control, etc, etc. Of course I realise that my interests are rightly irrelevant as far as Princess Sierra is concerned.)


  5. avatarNew UK Admirer

    PS I have just paid a tribute of $100 to Princess by cc-bill. (I didn’t want Princess to think I was free-loading.)


  6. avatarNew UK Admirer

    Dear Princess,

    I humbly beg your forgiveness for only sending You $100 and have sent You a £200 Amazon Gift Certificate hoping that this partly makes amends.

    I’m sorry for not using Your regular donation page – I was worried about how much information You would get about me using that page and I am too scared to set up a regular donation.


  7. avatarPrincess

    Yes but I’ve been very busy with other things this summer and it has been raining constantly. The real question is…why aren’t you making a fat donation like all the rest of the pigshits??? Stop being a total leech, toolio.


  8. avatarPrincess

    I received the $200 worth of GC’s UKadmirer. Feel free to send more! Don’t be so scaredy-cat. Nothing bad happens to good boys…just be a good boy!


  9. avatartoolio

    i do love YOU PRINCESS but i am a big loser pro musician that makes like 30,000 a yr. i love what i do, the only thing that sucks is i am not rich so i can give PRINCESS a lot of $. i know i am not worthy, but PLEASE keep me in mind if YOU ever need a ride from the airport in NYC and around NYC during YOUR stay if YOU come again. i do have a good reference of someone YOU know pretty well if need be. Thanks for responding on the motor cycle question PRINCESS, i was curious…


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