unroyal fool’s $500 arrived

unroyal fool's $500 arrived

pedro paid $200 to get his fugly face removed from MY journal.

**removed prettyboy pindick slave’s pic because he paid a removal fee.

  For those of you who think that only disgusting fat slobs like you want to serve Perfection. Think again!  Here’s MY newest find and I had every intention of pimping him out as a stripper at the fag bars because he’s quite a handsome guy.   Unfortunately he has a 6.5 inch dick which is not a selling point for stripping.  Damned his pin dick! he is so going to suffer for this nuisance!

 Of course, then there is simon.
Egads!  you brits are always SOOOOOO fucking homely!! WTF!!!?!?!  This guy is in dire need of some manscaping.  What is that pube jungle between his thighs??   you are so nasty looking, simon!

Yay that $500 worth of crispies got here safely.  unroyal fool is as an untalented of an artist as he is a poet. hahahahahaha!


I also just snatched $400 from jewish piggy’s checking account.  Got a bunch of shit off MY amazon wishlist, some garden stuff like telescoping pruning stick and retractable garden hose, shop vac, small table, funky lamp and some other shit.  Lots more things for you boys to buy, though!  doomed brit sent a pathetic $50 tribute and simon sent $100 too.

I have some errands and appointments to take care of but I should be back later tonight. 

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10 thoughts on “unroyal fool’s $500 arrived

  1. avatarPrincess

    perhaps it’s not small for a 3 incher like you, but for the majority of straight women and ALL gay men 6.5 sure isnt anything to get excited about.

    Wow must suck to be you. Good thing the only thing you have to share intimate moments with is your right hand.


  2. avatarmark francis

    Princess, You can pimp me out. Does unroyal fool…the handsome guy do phone calls or cam sex? his dick looks big to me too if he has 6 and half inches. Pleeease dont sissify him as i like the way he looks just fine..mighty fine.


  3. avatarjp

    wow yes he is very hot princess, he has a very nice body.
    but for my his cock is bigher, it is bigher than mine 5 inch cock….i wouldn’t mind sucking it


  4. avatarMicky

    Princess yes this guy looks like a real Dork’LOL, I just hope you mess him up bad like you did to that ladyman David is it? I forgot his/her name. really put the screws to him prin.LOL.Good for you” Princess.


  5. avatarPrincess

    hmmm I don’t really think simon looks like ryan, but funny enough about 5 days ago I got a new slave that looked EXACTLY like dwight from the office.


  6. avatarsierrasstevie

    bffffffffffffffffffft……………….I JUST SPIT UP MY EXPENSIVE RED WINE. Dang, Simon…..do ya own a razor??? Gag me….


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