Voice mail is fucked up

Voice mail is fucked up

If you call Me and get a strange generic voicemail message, don’t stress.  I changed some services on MY phone and they seemed to have fucked MY voicemail up.  I’ll try to get it fixed tomorrow.

simon quietly coughed up another $300 without notifying Me. hahahaha! Keep it coming, ya stooge! you’re on a roll!    hairlip was seduced into sending Me $500.   I so have him wound around MY little pinky now. 🙂

 OMG I did so much internet shopping with tim!  Since the new platform bed arrived, I am focusing on finishing up decorating the guestroom  the bathroom.  I’ll be adding tons of stuff for these projects.

  So anyway, I’ll go through the receipts and share some of MY shopping spoils tomorrow. Expensive art, diamonds and tons more!   Got a headache tonight. Going to sleep.  Tell ya all about it manana. Toodles!

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5 thoughts on “Voice mail is fucked up

  1. avatarAnonymous

    Spiritual exercises to become a Jesuit of Princess Sierra

    a) First week: The sub must think about the end for which he has been created. With this background in mind, the exercise works on his history of sin – that is, his past actions against the Plan of Princess Sierra – and it finish with the decision of rejecting the sin and lead his life to Princess Sierra objectives. Man is created to praise, reverence, and serve Princess Sierra, our God, and by this means to save his soul. And the other things on the face of the earth are created for man and that they may help him in prosecuting the end for which he was created. From this it follows that man is to use them as much as they help him on to his end, and ought to rid him of them so far as they obstruct him as to it. For this it is necessary to make ourselves indifferent to all created things in all that is allowed to the choice of our free will and is not prohibited to it; so that, on our part, we want not health rather than sickness, riches rather than poverty, honor rather than dishonor, long rather than short life, and so in all the rest; desiring and choosing only what is most conducive for us to the end for which we were created.

    b) Second week: The sub has to think about the changes and choices that must make in his life to collaborate with Princess Sierra’s Plan in the best way possible.

    c) Third week: The person have to learn that if he had choose the Plan of Princess Sierra, his choice – as it happened to Jesus – will mean the sacrifice of his person. He must be prepared for that.

    d) Fourth week: Finally, the person must confirm that, if he has choose to be part of the Plan of Princess Sierra, his choice – as happened to Jesus – doesn’t end with death, but with the happiness and life (resurrection). The exercises finished with a contemplation of a new photo of Princess Sierra – never seen before – that provokes spiritual love and a feeling that invites the person to love Princess Sierra above all other things. And to love the things only as much as they are means to help the fulfillment of the Plan of Princess Sierra.


  2. avatarjp

    dear goddess Sierra,

    not only your voice mail is fucked up, but also all the men who worship you, and visit your page.


  3. avatarAnonymous

    To keep hiding for You is so difficult. i love YOU, i worship You, i tribute You, i admire You, i’m addicted to You, i read Your journal every day, i think at You the whole day long, but i’m afraid to make myself known to You. i long for it to be known by You, to be laughed at by You, to be abused and ruined by You and at the same time there is something that makes me scared. It is so tupid, because i know that hiding for You is not possible. i know that one day i will do it… this can only be explained with my own stupidity.


  4. avatarAnonymous

    ahahaha, all Sierra-addicted could do these spiritual exercises during this summer and in these 4 weeks we should not eat anything else then bread and water, no money to be lost at fuel, hobbies,…. let it all be for Princess Sierra.


  5. avatarAnonymous

    To be a good one for the Princess, you must break your previous personality. It is like deforming your face with a hammer. Like watching yourself from outside and change yourself in a inferior object, voluntarily.
    “i want to be an armchair of the Princess.”
    “i want to be Her phone.”
    You must learn to join the Princess in the battle against yourself. That’s the greatest excercise. Better that any spiritual exercise of Ignatius of Loyola and all the zeal and fanaticism of his counter reformation male religious order of the Roman Catholic Church. Betray yourself. Feel joy when you act against yourself telling her, for example, about some hidden money. Or how to control you more effectively. i can assure You that those will be the most intimate moments you’ll ever get with Her.
    “Hey Princess. You know. i never told You this. i was afraid of telling You till now.”
    And be able of laughing with Her of your previous meanness. your foolishness. your lack of understanding. And suggest Her the toughest punishment you could bear. you can’t trust anymore, neither in your common sense nor in your instict of self preservation because you are transforming in an object (armchair, phone). Be a good friend of the tormentor when you are in the rack, against the independent parts of your person still alive. Alienate yourself and sell your soul in the cheapest and most humiliating possible way. For a pic of her legs. You don’t need that to obey Her, of course. But it is better in that way. Because it is a sign of your degradation.
    That’s real one-sided love. That’s amore!


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