New Entry

dear PRINCESS, i deeply appreciate YOU telling me to send YOU this email, designed to keep me both prayerful and highly focused upon just YOU and no one else. – it is such a joy to post to YOU. – what YOU have accomplished with me in the last two days of extremely concentrated retooling my entire mindset has left me feeling that i am already YOUR perfect slave in every way who will never-ever again be any problem for YOU.  –  but, i must be realistic and remember YOUR much higher standards of expectancy than i am capable of achieving without YOU to guide me. – YOU have done so much to make me a better person, which must be a frustrating on-going process for YOU, quite disappointing much of the time. –  but, i pray YOU will not give up on me. – i regret taking up so much of YOUR time. – by now, it was my dream that YOU would have me whipped into shape such that i respond to your slightest thought. – unfortunately, the basic material YOU are left to work with in this old and decrepit cadaver is most non-ideal and highly flawed. – although i was a total failure, by YOUR Perfect Standards, in every single thing i ever attempted to accomplish before i SUBSCRIBED to YOUR Perfect Web site, i did well enough in my old environment to get by, pay all my bills on time and stay out of trouble. – but in YOUR Highly Sophisticated and Ultimately Advanced Culture, made up of Vastly Superior FEMALES to anyone i have ever witnessed or been associated, plus me just not being the quality of individual, in any sense of the word, to be included in YOUR Perfect Environment, i must accept what YOU have granted me and be eternally thankful to work for YOU at a distance, precisely as YOU prescribe and restrict me. – were it not for YOUR enormous patience and compassion, plus all YOUR Superior Training Expertise, i’d be languishing out there somewhere in wasteland with the other unfortunate peons. –  being relegated to the muddy bottom of YOUR Marvelous Food Chain, banished and forbidden from ever entering YOUR Realm of the Elite, where only YOU, Your Ultra-Superior RELATIVES and Superior FEMALE Friends, plus YOUR select male slaves with whom YOU work closely while producing so many of YOUR Unparalleled videos, still piggy slaves but possessing all the high-level qualities YOU demand of those trusted to be in YOUR environment, i must remember that even the role of insect drones is essential to The One-And-Only QUEEN who is the Vital and Essential Element to the success of an entire Colony. –  even to be considered as a possible prospect to become one of YOUR insect drones is, by far, the highest honor i have ever received or ever expect to achieve.  –  i’d like to spend the remainder of my life, blindly working endlessly for YOU, doing just what YOU want and nothing else, never causing even the slightest problem, for QUEEN PRINCESS needs none of that. – if i ever do become a true drone, solely for PRINCESS, every cell of my mind and body will respond automatically to my task of total support of PRINCESS GOD until, one day, my work is done. – what better life could i possibly imagine? – i cannot. —  AWOMEN.

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