$5,000 from uncle pigfucker!!

oops Spoke too soon..total is now $5,000 but MY screenshot only shows $4,500 of it. I’m too tired to remake the screenshot, but I’ll do it tomorrow.

HAHAHA hey bitches! Bet I had a better night than you had! unclepigfucker (you all know who that is, right??) stopped by and got raped for $4,500!!

Click it and weep, fucktards and wannabees!

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8 thoughts on “$5,000 from uncle pigfucker!!

  1. avataranonymous

    Glory to YOU Princess Perfect!
    Money to YOU Perfect Exploitrix!
    Cash to YOU Drainer of our wallets!
    Donations to YOU almighty Bitch!
    Credit card numbers to YOU Holy Mother of financial domination!
    All to YOU center of the universe!



  2. avataranonymous

    Princess is becoming more and more unstoppable. She has some many of us men under her spell she hardly has to work at it when it comes to us handing over our $. What’s next? Who’ Next?


  3. avataranonymous

    Certain moments i think that every single word on this site is bad and that i should stop reading this stuff and paying Princess. There are moments that i think i hate Princess Sierra. But it is only to realize afterward that SHE is really what She says to be: the most important, the most intelligent, the most genius, the most beautiful, the most talented,… person on earth.
    There are 2 things that make me feel happier than anything else: first, when i have made a donation to Princess Sierra; second, when i read that She has received a big donation – and actually third, when i read that a new boy starts generously to give in into his addiction.



  4. avataranonymous

    You are an irresistable force Princess, there is no way to Not give in to Your demands! Just like with the canadian, simply reading about Your expolits here, gets the will to resist so low…


  5. avataranonymous

    maybe you could humiliate these guys more by putting their sissified face pics on hotornot.com they are supposed to get a massive amounts of hits and these guys can finally know exactly how repulsive the world thinks they are.



  6. avatarbitchybeauty

    Been there done that.
    Now shut the fuck up, paco. I hate your fucking no-paying, yacking ass. you don’t deserve to even read MY journal. So get the fuck away from it.


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