moneyslaves, I’m hoooooooooooooooooooooooome!
Yep we are home safe and sound. I get home and some drunk ass guy from Cleveland sent Me $2,500. he calls all super inebriated and says he’s been obsessed with MY site and he’s drunk and in town. I guess he was overwhelmed knowing that he was in the same town as Me and was major stupified. I got the cash out of him and then poof he disappeared! hahaha I’ll make screenshots later.
My feet are going back to normal. It must be mostly water because I lost 4 lbs over night and am starting to feel better. O M Geeeeeee! We are SO totally going back next year!! We loved loved loved this place and had so much fun with the group of women who stayed in our bed and breakfast. We’ve all pinky sworn that we would come back and do it again next summer. I’ve had a lot of good vacations but this was probably one of My favorite because of the hysterical group of new friends we met. We laughed our asses off the entire time. Good times!
Someone buy Me the black island wedges right now! These shoes are so incredibly comfortable! Somebody bought these and I’m in love with them because they are like walking on clouds.
Does anyone have any thoughts on Sarah Palin and the election…to me it’s like reality TV. I wish Palin was running for President. It’s about time a woman takes the reins. Any thoughts Princess?
Princess I felt the same way when I drove from Cincinnati to Cleveland. My little stiffy felt your supreme presence. I owe you an aplogy.
i am the one who bought the island wedges! i am soooo proud! Thank You Princess for being so great!
im in a mess
shitenstein I sent you MY text message. Send a text then hop your ass on yahoo. I want to fuck you over tonight!!
wish YOU had sent that 4 pounds of water to me. any liquid by-product from YOUR perfect body would surly do wonders for any of YOUR slaves fortunate enough to receive one of them. please save such precious treasures for deserving slaves who earn them. nothing liquid from YOUR Heavenly Perfect body should ever go to waste. YOU can be sure any one of YOUR slaves would jump at the chance to receive such a wonderful gift to improve the quality of his or Her life. never mind the odor. if it’s from PRINCESS, that’s all that matters.
Ah, my girlfriend and I were on the island the same time as you. We stayed at a fun women only place. Shame our paths never crossed!