1,300 from grandpa freakpie

1,300 from grandpa freakpie

Update: Just got another $200 from screwy louey. Keep up the good work louey! I’ll take another. Boy, you have SURE been addicted lately. hahahahaha Remember louey, if something happens to your sick wife..I’ll be there..yes, Princess will be there to pick up the pieces.. and scatter them in a hundred directions. Yes My fat fuzzy pet, I’ll be there to kick you while you’re down. *giggle*

Oh to whiskey dick and shitpig..if you tried to call back last night, it seems that MY landline went down for a few hours. I wasn’t ignoring you..not that it would matter if I did. Anyway, you can try calling back tonight.

$100 amazon gc from some dude named andy

grandpa freakpie got his credit card paid down a bit and just sent $1,010.00 not including the $300 cash he sent! Yowza!

gramps fed-ex’ed cash

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1 thought on “1,300 from grandpa freakpie

  1. avataranonymous

    wow you have been sticking it to your slaves the last few weeks. i am amazed by the amount of revenue you are sent.


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