$1,000 Tribute from a new guy!

$1,000 Tribute from a new guy!

Yay! I woke up to find $500 waiting in MY account from a brand new guy who just bought a membership for the first time.  I answered his email and swiftly talked him into sending Me another $500.

 “I just did it.  I just sent you another $500.  I just don’t understand how there is something so irresistible  about you.  I don’t have the kind of money to be doing this, but I’m sucked in. “

Yah, that happens.  Get used to it.  you are now HOOKED!

Hurray! I talked MY gascard guy into sending Us gas cards for yet another year!

Let’s see what to do today.  celibate george (the gas card guy) said he’d take Me shopping at Macys.com so I need to pick out some goodies there.  I’m still plugging away on wordpress and I have spinning class tonight. Oh yeah and I need to box up grandpa freakpie’s I-dont-really-care package, as well as a few amazon returns.  Of course I will take breaks through-out the day to swindle swine out of their hard-earned cash$$!

Oh yes, lotsa lip got a prepaid credit card so he could send ME $200 towards MY May Vacation.  Now as you might know, lotsa lip is one of those “mantelopes”.  he does everything anonymously and has been following My site and sending stuff for several years with little to no contact with Me.  However, recently we started emailing back and forth and for the first time ever he spoke to Me on the phone.   We all know what that means!!  This little nervous critter won’t be able to eat, sleep or watch the Discovery channel with the kids without dreaming of Princess and ways to better serve HER.   Welcome to the rest of your life, lotsa lip!

sheepshagger, where are you? I’ve been getting these eerie feelings that you have been poking around MY site again.    It’s time for you to pay your dues, bitch!

ATTN:  loopy for legs  you warned ME that you would be getting a new work cell phone, but guess what?  I messaged your old one and got this message back.   “Not sure if you are trying to reach nick if you are he has been transferred to a different work location you can try reaching him at (phone #).”  Ummmm, I recommend you call Me and make good your promise. teehee
*Prezzy slide-show moved up a few entries*

Here’s a few things I had time to photograph. I was going to put this on a slideshow I was working on MY own domain.but it’s not working right now.


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